Monday, September 3, 2012

Week 14

How far along? 14 weeks

How big is Baby? Lemon

Total weight gain? Down one pound from last week, so about 6lbs.

Maternity Clothes? Ordered a whole box off of a Facebook resale group today.  Went to target and bought just about the whole Liz Lange line, I think I am set.

Best moment this week?The beginning of the week was by far the best, although a huge tease.  I really thought I was feeling better, then Wednesday hit and it went from bad to the worst it has ever been.  So much for enjoying a long weekend.

Miss anything?  Sleeping all night, which I suppose I should get use to.  I do think that it is cruel that when you are pregnant, you have to wake up everyone two hours to pee.  Everyone who is not pregnant, who has already been pregnant, or just has an opinion tells me this, "You should sleep now, because you will never sleep again." NEWS FLASH:  You can not store sleep, nor can you be pregnant and be without a bathroom for more then two hours.

Food cravings:  This week I finally have energy to cook, so we are eating normally.  I haven't had any unusual cravings, but I made some killer steaks at the beginning of the week and my mom made steak again on Wednesday, and I couldn't be happier.  Actually I guess my craving has been the chicken ceasar sandwiches from Panera Bread, I've had two of those this week.  But I also really like fruit, like an insane amount of fruit.  I'm pregnant, I am hungry and I don't care if you are 3.4 ounce little nugget, you better eat up so I don't get to fat.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Does the fact that my husband says I smell count, that makes me sick.  I love him so I don't care if he tells me I smell, but what about all the other people who aren't telling me I smell.  I shower and wear deodorant, I swear!  Another is that I have the most wonderful dark black hair growing in a line down my stomach.  My sister wanted a shout-out so here it is: My lovely older sister, Tracy, was a teenager when I was born, I here she wasn't to excited about this.  What she was excited about was the fact that I looked like a monkey when I was baby, so much so, she has told almost everyone I know that she would brush the hair on my back it was so long.  Now I don't totally believe that story, but I was born with long black hair, and I still have way to much dark hair on my arms for most peoples liking, but really, how I am going to take cute belly photos with a black trail of locks on my stomach.

Gender? The old wives tale say boy, but we still have around 25 days before we can find out.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On, but I had an awful dream that my fingers were so fat that it stretched my rings and I almost lost my diamond, so they may come off again to prevent nightmares.

Happy or Moody most of the time?  I think I am so happy, I have been jamming in my car, cooking dinner, and staying up past 9pm.  This statement was wrote at the beginning of the week, today I would rather just sleep then do anything.

Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound!! 28 days to go!


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