Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 16

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How far along? 16 weeks

How big is Baby? Avocado

What did I do with last week's fruit?  Typically I hate to eat oranges because I don't know how to peel them without making a mess.  To solve this I just hand it to Dufda who takes care of the dirty work.  That orange was the best that I have had in awhile.  I bought some more, well I thought I did, near the end of the week, handed it to Dufda, fruit aficionado, who immediately tells me that what I bought was not an orange.  Apparently, I purchased minneolas?  What ever the heck that is, didn't matter because they were delicious as well.

Really? I think it's an orange

Total weight gain? 8lbs

Maternity Clothes?  I am starting to clean out my closet.  Read why here.  So with that I am finding things that I could wear as maternity clothes that are just my normal clothes.  I have a feeling that winter is going to be hard though.

Best moment this week?  I love Dufda more this week than ever.  Dufda and I had a hard time at the beginning of this pregnancy.  He was trying to get use to having a sick wife and I wasn't making him any happier because I was in a bad mood over the fact that I didn't love being pregnant.  I thought being pregnant was going to be all glowing and empowering, but I was actually given the pukey and sweaty version.

Miss anything?  I still have no energy, the days that I feel best would have been considered bad days pre-pregnancy.

Food cravings?  Steak, tomatoes, cheese fries, and steak

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I have created this serious aversion to raw meat.  If someone cooks it for me and I do not see it I am good.  Dufda's favorite place to eat is BD's Mongolian grill.  I can't even think about going there because they have raw meat everywhere.  Poor Dufda has tried to cook chicken twice this week, and I couldn't eat it either time.

Gender?  People are starting to ask and I really think it is going to end up boy, but I still can't stop my Zofran and I have awful neck acne so I am hoping that means it is a girl.  13 days to go!

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement?  I think I felt Nugs move a couple of times, refer to below to hear Dufda's opinion.

Wedding rings on or off?  I decided that I should keep them on while out as long as I can. Now that I am starting to look pregnant, I don't want people to think I am knocked up and Dufda is my baby daddy.

Looking forward to?  I have a midwife appointment this week.  I think they will schedule their anatomy scan then.  So it will give us another chance to check out our Nugget.

Dufda quote of the week? Me: "I think I just felt the baby" Dufda: "No you didn't because it would have texted me first to let me know first"

My mom, my sister and I all hit up the Snuggle Bugs consignment sale that was taking place in the old Value City building.  It would have been nice if we knew the sex, so we could really shop but I still got some deals.  They had tons of items and if you have small children this is the place to go to purchase clothes and toys.  We got to go on the first day because I am pregnant.  The down fall was that there was no air conditioning and no bathrooms.  I thought I was going to pass out/ puke/pee my pants most of the time.  They have another one in March, so if Nugs comes on time, hopefully we will be able to have a more beneficial trip.  If you want to sign-up for when the sale occurs, click here.

I am pretty big into getting the most for my money.  I don't shop at the mall, and I rarely buy things full price.  I love thrift stores and second hand everything.  We purchased most of the big stuff the baby needs off craigslist when I was about 8 weeks pregnant.  Everything listed was $300 and all in very good condition.  The best part was that, I had already made my baby registry with these items on it, thinking to myself I must find these used.  Same pattern and everything.  The lady even threw in several pack n' play sheets, a infant car seat carrier cover for the winter, two more car seat bases, and a whole lot of receiving blankets.

This consignment sale trip yielded:

1 brand new carter sheet, 1 brand new carter blanket that matches all the stuff we bought above, 5 onesies, 2 steeler's outfits, a snowsuit, a Swaddle Me wrap, Snugli baby carrier, 6 bibs, 2 hats, and a sleeper.  My total = $42.00!  My view is this, baby's use this stuff for such a minimal amount of time, they might not even like it at all, why pay full price?

Tasha making an appearance, with Dolce interrupting


  1. That is awesome that you found so much on Craigslist. I really want to go to a baby consignment sale, I think after reading this post I'll have to check one out (I've been seeing one advertised and was thinking about it, but now I think I'll go for sure!)

    Oh and as a new first time mom myself, I feel compelled to let you know that the Carter's bibs (and really any cute bibs ever) are all really crappy, they're so adorable, but they soak straight through. I ended up getting a couple packs of the cheap Babies R Us bibs and they're probably my favorite baby item ever.

  2. My rings are already feeling a bit tight on some days :( I'm hoping it's a result of too much salt than the baby deciding I shouldn't wear a ring I've only been wearing a few months! At least I can control salt intake.

  3. I highly suggest "The Other Baby Book" and "Baby Bargain Book" - I SO wish I would have known about them with my first pregnancy (when I registered for everything). I got a lot of things I never used and that were poor quality (ehem.. cheaper)

    Yay for Craig's List though - baby's grow out of clothes so quickly it just makes sense!

    God bless!

    Our Front Porch View: The Story of a Young Family's Pursuit to Fulfill a Simpler Life

  4. I have the Carter's Set that you bought off of craigslist (pictures 1,2, and 3) I love it!

  5. I love a good bargain! We have a great consignment store here in So Cal that I love and they have great stuff. Some stuff with tags still on them. Crazy! :) Love it all! Great bargain shopping!

  6. How awesome that you've found so may great deals! I love the high chair pictured, very cute.

  7. Looks like you made out at the consignment sale! They are always my favorite :) Some of my favorite outfits were found on consignment. I agree with Beth about the Baby Bargins Book, it saved us a ton of money!

  8. Oranges, minneolas, tangelos,'s all the same to me. :) AWESOME scores at the consignment sale. As fast as my twins go through clothes and outgrow baby gear, I wish I had spent less and bought used.
