Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nugget sends me to the emergency room

So Nugget sent me to the emergency room for the first time on Monday.  I am sure it is not the last trip we will make together.  Monday was also Labor day, nice way to spend the holiday, huh?  So the whole ordeal started the day before in the morning. 

 I am on pills for nausea, so I haven't been throwing up all that much.  Weekends seem to be harder than the actual week because I am no longer on a schedule, so I don't get up and eat right away.  I really couldn't keep food down, but I could eat so I was not very concerned.  I started to have a throbbing headache in the afternoon, after round two with the big pink toilet.  

We had planned to go to a party over my aunt's to celebrate my Uncle's 63rd birthday, but nothing was going right for us.  Dufda tried to give Coco a bath because he was covered in blood.  He has a tumor in his mouth that will be the demise of him, but he is sticking in there for now.  Well the water scared Coco so bad that he passed out, and Dufda didn't know what to do.  He woke up and was fine, but I thought we were going to have to cancel our plans to go to the party, to take Coco to the vet.  Anyway, we end up going to the party, where my aunt was making homemade pizzas in their pizza oven.  They were fantastic!!  There was also plenty of other yummies to snack on.  What I have found is that I never feel well after a party type eating situations where you mix a a lot of food.  

My aunt lives an hour away, so the ride home, in the back on my dad's van was hell.  Riding in his van is comparable to that of a ride at Kennywood, but worse. I got home and that is when my day went from bad to worse.  I tried to take my medicine and some Unisom, but my body wasn't having it.  On another note, if you ever throw up Unisom, it numbs your whole mouth.  I went to bed, woke up in the morning, and went to breakfast.  From that time till about 1:00pm all I did was eat, then eject.  I called the midwives on-call number around 12:30 and they told me that I needed to go in to the emergency room for dehydration.  So Dufda and I get ready and head to Jefferson Memorial Hospital, what a bad choice that was.  

When we arrive at Jefferson Hospital, it is filled with the best of the best of the Mon Valley.  We had to wait about 2 hours to be taken back to the room.  When I finally do get back there I am hooked up to an IV and given fluids, while blood was drawn.  The doctor was asking me questions about my care, and I tried to explain to him that I was seeing a midwife.  This doctor did not understand this nor seemed like he had ever heard of this type of care.  He kept telling me I must have an OB, and I would tell him that I didn't.  He took the Midwife Center's phone number to call them to make sure that this is in fact a real establishment.  He may be an ER doctor but I think he should be educated on different areas of medicine.
I look so pretty
  In that time period, another patient was yelling and screaming in the next room over.  She was very vocal about not wanting anyone to touch her, and that everyone was doing everything wrong.  Then, said patient tries to escape from the hospital, obviously she was not in her right mind.  Her escape route went right in front on my bed.  I honestly felt like I was on one of those first 48 reenactment shows on Discovery Health.  The hospital cop tries to stop her, but the patient turns around and hits the cop right in the face.  I only have a sheet as my wall, no actual room.  They end up having to tackle her right into my area.  She is then restrained.  This only started the screams from her that her hands were turning purple and that she needed a doctor.  This all didn't do much for my throbbing headache.

My doctor comes back and tells me that I am severely dehydrated and he is was very glad that I came in when I did.  I was hooked up to another bag of fluids and given Zofran intravenously.  This is when he started to question me about not having an OB even more.  I had to sign some form that said I was refusing prenatal care from a doctor, I went with it because I was exhausted and Dufda had left to feed the dogs, so he wasn't there to explain.  So after the second bag was done, they came over to discharge me.  I had to go through the same conversation with them about the midwife.  The nurse said she had to put a real OB on the paper to follow up with, I signed and left but I still felt like crap.  Lesson learned, go to Magee next time.


  1. Yikes, you were really in bad shape there! Hope you're feeling better now.

    On a side note, how awesome is that pizza oven?

  2. so, im just creeping on your blog lol, and i had a horror story from Jefferson while i was pregnant too... i was 17 weeks and i couldnt hold anything down ( before i was given acid reducer and zofran from my dr.) and they refused to give me iv fluids, even after i said even water makes me sick. i was throwing up so much that my throat was bleeding... well they thought i had an ulcer or that something was wrong with the baby ( apparently they think that if you throwing up blood that that means your loosing your baby) so im freaking out because first they couldn't find her heart beat ( he was checking all the way up underneath my boobs ) and then they said they had to put a tube down my nose into my stomach to see if i had a bleeding ulcer. i thought that they would numb my throat but no, they shoved a big tube in my nose down my throat and left it there for an hour ... im bawling and gagging and they're like you'll be ok,its not that bad. They said if i did have a bleeding ulcer they would have to transport me to Magee via ambulance , because they dont really know what to do in that situation with a pregnant person ... why they didnt just tell me that to begin with i would have left and not been torchered ! so they sent me home and said just to check up with my OB since they couldnt give me any answers. And that was the LAST time i will ever go to Jefferson!!!!
