Friday, September 14, 2012

Introducing the Fur-Nuggets

Most people think we are crazy.  One of those reason is because we have three dogs.  They are a huge part of our life and I would never give them up for anything.  Dufda on the other hand took a little more convincing.  Dufda, being Muslim, was not raised with dogs in the house.  I get that it is hard to get use to but I honestly do not remember any other way.  Now that we are adding a new, non-fur Nugget to house, I know everyone is probably thinking we are even more crazy.  To be honest, I trust ours pups and think they are going to do great with a new baby.  I have nothing to base this on, so I guess we will just have to wait and see, as well as register for a ton of baby gates.  So with out further a do, here our the Fur-Nuggets:
I have had Coco the longest of any of the pups.  I received him from a grad student who no longer had time for him.  We had introduced him to my only dog at the time, Nala, and they got along great.  Coco became mine in February of 2009.  We think Coco is around 13 years old.  He is a mix of Chow Chow and Cocker Spaniel.  Coco has definitely been a handful ever since I got him.  Three days after he moved into our very full apartment (4 people, 3 dogs, 1 bunny, and a turtle), he got in a fight with one of the other dogs.  Out of instinct I tried to break up the fight, this sent me to the emergency room because Coco bit me.  Then while walking him, he latched on to the pants of some person walking down the street, lucky that person just tried to run away and never pressed any charges.  Flash forward to when I moved into my own house, Coco bit the neighbor when he came over to the house.  I thought that this was the last time, but still no one tried to do anything to Coco.  The next year on 4th of July, someone tried to break it our house and Coco bit them as well.  They did try to press charges, that was quickly stopped since they tried to break into my house!  So needless to say, my Beware of Dog sign outside of my house actually has meaning.  Coco makes me feel safe though, he has never tried to hurt anyone who was suppose to be here.  A couple months ago, he started to developed a growth in his mouth that we were unsure of.  After a second opinion at a different vet, we found that it is a malignant tumor.  I think at some point it will take over his mouth and we will need to make a decision then, but for right now, he is hanging in there.

I got Dolce next, in August of 2009. I had just had Nala put down due to cancer the week before and wasn't able to cope well.  I thought getting a new dog would be perfect.  I had picked out her name before I got the dog.  I was sitting at The Summit, working on a Sunday.  What I was actually doing was looking at Petfinder trying to find a dog.  I found one in Pike County, Ohio.  The ad said 6 month old Great Pyrenees, I thought it was perfect.  I called the guy and told him I would be over after work.  The drive was long, and consisted of many dirt roads to get to her.  When I arrived, I was very shock to find where I was was going to be getting this dog from.  It was a true dog pound.  When they went in to find the dog that I wanted, they brought out a sad looking white dog that was incorrect.  I felt so bad for this dog that I almost took it home instead.  The guy went back and found the right dog, and she was great.  I put her in the back, the way back of my car, because she smelled so bad.  When I got her home, I gated off a small area for her, because I didn't want her interacting with Coco before we took her to the vet, which would be that next Friday.  At the vet appointment she was to be fixed and have all of her shots given.  Friday comes, I have taken vacation from work and was a nervous wreck to put my new puppy in surgery to be fixed.  I go to pick her up and find out that what I thought was a puppy, was actually at least a year old dog that was pregnant with 8 puppies.  I don't know what happened to the puppies, nor did I care to ask.  So Dolce is about 4 years old and is probably a mix of Golden Retriever and Great Pyrenees.  She loves to be outside and play with Coco.

I was contacted in January of 2010 by Athens County Humane Society to see if I could foster two older dogs that had their owner die, and had no where to go.  I took in Tasha and her sister Sugar that night.  I had found a home for Sugar immediately because I knew someone who was waiting for a dachshund.  I ended up keeping Tasha.  She was super shy when I first got her, but after Sugar moved out and she got use to Dolce and Coco, she turned into a puppy again.  Tasha is no where near a puppy though, she is a 16 year old pure bread miniature poodle.  We found out that she has Cushings Disease, which means she has a brain tumor that causes a high release of cortisone into her blood.  This was concerning at first, but it has actually helped out Tasha in a big way.  We had to have knee surgery on Tasha because she was losing mobility in her leg due to arthritis.  This tumor was releasing hormones that were helping her cope and run around like a little puppy again.  People still never believe how old she is.  She is my little buddy, but definitely the most annoying dog.  She still wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  At one point she even had to wear diapers at night.  We still love her though!

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