Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 18

How far along? 18 Weeks! Where is time going, I feel like that writing this all down maybe making time go faster

How big is Nugget? Sweet Potato, yum I can't wait to cook this one.  Dufda hates sweet potatoes so I never buy them.

What did I do with last week's fruit?  That onion is still sitting on my dining room table, I have been far to lazy to clean the kitchen to actually cook. Update: I used this onion here.

Total weight gain? 14lbs

Maternity Clothes?  I am stuck on this black pair of "capris" I got from my facebook resale group.  They are my favortie because although they are capris, they look like perfectly tailored pants on me.

Best moment this week? Finding out Nugget's gender!

Miss Anything? The other day I had a total break down because I insisted that every glass in our house smelled, so I couldn't drink anything.  Then this lady walked in my office and I swear she smelled like Oxi clean for pets.  Walking down the street, this man smelled like he rolled in baby powder today.  This came out of no where and I want it to stop.  Moral of the rambling I want to miss my crazy pregnancy nose!

Food Cravings? Dijon Mustard?  I know, weird.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I have been trying to play a game with myself called "How long can I go without taking my Zofran."  I don't get very far because I usually lose right around the time I go to brush my teeth.  I just want to be off of all these meds.  On another note, I swear pregnancy gives you amnesia.  Throwing up once a day seems really awful right now, I don't know how I was putting up with throwing up all day long before.  Like right now, I am so happy being pregnant.  I say right now, because in 10 seconds I can go bat shit cray and tell Dufda that he better rip this baby out of me now.  I think this has happen in our house...more then once.

Belly Button in our out? In

Movement?  Nugget's been shy this week, just a couple random taps.  He did kick the sonographer though and I actually felt it.

Wedding rings on or off?  I am in this constant battle against these beautiful rings that I had to have.  When I take them off, I literally feel like I just released all this stress off of me and my entire layer of skin starts singing bible hymns.  I guess in our family it would be Quran verses.  Let me tell you, if I started singing Quran verses, Dufda would probably rub feet without me asking, or maybe atleast do the dishes.  I don't think they actually sing Quran verses though, but I will ask Dufda. Side story:  So in my misguided education of the Islam religion I really wanted to make Eid al-Fitr a special day for Dufda.  I left work earlier and headed to the mall to go shopping for presents.  I thought it would be like our Christmas.  I got him little presents from the dogs: socks, underwear, undershirts, candy, Starbuck's gift card and food.  I got him bigger presents:  a whole workout outfit and some new cologne.  I was so excited!  I wrapped everything up and presented it to Dufda.  It was wrapped in super hero bags, which made it even cooler.  I found a card online and wrote, in arabic, Happy Eid! or something along those lines.  Dufda was definitely excited and it was a ton of fun.  He later told me that only children get presents for the Eid. Anyway back to the rings, it depends.

Looking forward to?  Setting up Nugget's nursery!

Dufda quote of the week?  Me: 'My head hurts really bad."  Dufda: "That is because it can't comprehend how beautiful you are being pregnant."  He could be full of crap but I love that he says these silly things to me all the time.


  1. I love that you are taking a pic with the fruit/veggie that is the size of the baby each week. I wish I had done that! And my maternity capris all looked like pants on me, too. I actually have a pair of white maternity capris that I wish I could still wear!


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