Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nugget's a Boy!

If you have been reading along, you know that I have been waiting to find out the gender of Nugget since conception.  We went through all the old wives and they pretty much said boy.  Then the lovely people over at Intelligender provided me with a test and it said boy. Well, we went on Saturday and
We couldn't be more thrilled!  I originally really wanted a girl, but then the week before decided I really wanted a boy.  We decided to do an elective ultrasound at Insight Imaging in Monroeville.  I highly suggest you do the same if you are in the Pittsburgh area.  The experience was far better than anything I could imagine. 

Let's start by telling you about the day leading up to the ultrasound.  The night before I was a nervous wreck, completely worked up.  I was getting sick and thinking that this weekend is suppose to be special and I can't be sick and miserable for it.  Dufda and I stayed in and had hot dogs for dinner, which is pretty unusual because Friday is our date night.  After the hot dogs I felt better, so we went to go get coffee.  I went to go take a sneak peak at Baby Gap to pick out some options for Nugget's first outfit.  This was an event that I prefaced Dufda on the week preceding the ultrasound.  He didn't think it was the important, but I wanted Nugget's first real outfit to be bought the day we found out the sex.  So we go home and go to bed, even though I am so excited I almost can't sleep.

The next day I woke up around 7 am.  I had said to myself the night before that I didn't want to get out of bed till 10:30am to make things go faster.  I got up and got ready anyway.  I was trying really hard to not wake Dufda because this would just make him enjoy the day less.  I decided that this was a super special occasion and that I need to be dressed up for it.  Task in itself when you are pregnant.  I scour my closet and come up with this outfit:
I make Dufda take a picture any time I look more pregnant than fat.  Today I was very happy with my clothing choice and it made me forget about how sick I was.  So we leave to go to the ultrasound place around 11:30am to make sure we are there on time.  The actual office is very indiscreet.  You enter the building and then go into an even smaller office space.  At this time I am thinking we are going to be seeing Nugget on a tiny screen in a doctor exam room.  Boy was I wrong!  When we get taken back into the room it is enormous.  The technician says they are able to fit about 21 people in there.  There are couches and art work and something much similar to a bed for me to lay on.  The best part: Nugget is going to be displayed on a huge projection screen right in front of me.  Here is a picture to give you an idea of how big the screen is:
Those are Dufda's hands, so this screen was huge.  This moment is when the technician asked us if we knew what our little Nugget was.  We both said boy without any doubt.  She then pointed out all of Nugget's parts to us.  We saw Nugget suck his thumb, wave to us, moon us, and at times, freak the crap out of me because he looked like an alien.  The best part was that everything the technician was doing was placed on a dvd for us to take home.  Along with the dvd I got about 20-30 pictures of Nugget.  This is my favorite:
He looks like a little gremlin here!  The technician gave us a sneak peak of what our baby will look like 3D as well.  We are going back in December to have a 3D/4D ultrasound done and this made me very excited.  We couldn't see much, but enough to know Nugs looks like a baby and maybe has Dufda's nose...
I will keep you updated when I go back for the 3D/4D, but I bet my experience will be just as great, if not better.

So we went to Baby's R Us first to shop for Nugget.  I got him a little outfit that says Mommy's little monster.  Then at Baby Gap we got him a little brown plaid button down, that totally looks like something Dufda would wear.  I did not think I would enjoy shopping for baby boy clothes as much as baby girls, but it is definitely fun and everything is super adorable.  I really wanted to get him mini-me Dufda shoes
But let's be serious, what newborn needs $20 shoes?  Aren't they cute though?  Maybe when they go on sale.


  1. How exciting!! I love that they show you the image on a huge projection screen. I wish we had something like that anywhere near us. I think your outfit was completely adorable and I'll probably wear something special for my u/s tomorrow too.

  2. YAY! I'm so happy for you! Little boys are so sweet.

  3. Yay! So happy for you! Cool that your gender test was right. Can't wait to meet your little nugget! :)

  4. Congratulations on your little boy!

  5. Yay! Boys are harder to shop for but have cuter cloths in my opinion! :) You look great in those pictures :)

  6. I love how happy you look holding your u/s picture! Congrats on your baby!
