Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 17

How far along? 17 weeks

How big is Baby? Onion

What did I do with last week's fruit? That avocado was the best damn avocado I had in awhile.  Dufda doesn't like them, but every time I have one he wants to try it but then hates it.  He does this frequently and it makes me mad when I give him something I love and he just wastes it.

Total weight gain? 12 lbs eek!

Maternity Clothes?  I love anything stretchy because it makes me look pregnant.  When I try to convert my old clothes to fit I just look fat.

Best moment this week? We finally got rid of the pink wall and pink and green polka dots in our bedroom.  We now have a nice serene, adult room to sleep in.

Miss anything?  I have re-instituted my coffee everyday now that I am safely into my second trimester.  I could have lived without but I still have no energy so the coffee helps.  Any way so I longer have to miss coffee.  I don't think there was anything I was particular sad about not having this week.  I even started to pack myself some turkey sandwiches for lunch.

Food cravings? Popcorn and oranges and lots of fruit!

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I went a whole week without throwing up! Wahoo!!  The meat section is still hard for me and I haven't purchased meat in weeks.  Dufda has to go buy it seperately and cook it without me seeing it.

Gender?  The weekend is coming quickly.  I need to occupy the crap out of my days so that this week flies.  I am still not sure how we will tell everyone, but I am going to come up with something by then.

Belly Button in or out?  In, but I have a weird belly button.  It has a little outtie portion that I have had all my life that is filled with fluid.  This is now starting to migrate over to the one side making my belly button look even more odd than it already did.

Movement?  Felt my first kicked this week! A bunch of random flutters as well.

Wedding rings on or off? We are on while we are out and I look pregnant, off when you can't tell I am pregnant.

Looking forward to?  Finishing the baby's room.  Dufda picked out the color and I think it is going to turn out really cute.

Dufda quote of the week?  I don't have a specific quote but he did say something that I thought made a lot of sense.  I have a hard time because it is like people do not allow you to excited about being pregnant until you look like you are ready to pop and you no longer want to be excited any more.  Everyone has an opinion and especially since this is my first baby, people want to negate your excitement for what reason I will never know.  So Dufda told me one day that you have to understand that people aren't living this everyday like you are.  That they don't see the changes that you are going through.  He had said that he was just starting to get it.  This totally made sense to me, doesn't really make me understand why people can't just be happy for you and keep their stupid comments to themselves, but it makes sense.

We had a prenatal appointment this week.  Everything looked good, my uterus was where it is suppose to be and the heart beat was between 140-150 bpm.  I scheduled our anatomy scan for October 13 which I am super excited to have another chance to see Nugs!

We had a super fun bonfire this weekend with friends.  It is so hard for us all to get everyone together, but it was nice because all of our lives are going to be changing here very shortly.
These 3 girls belong to my very short list of friends that have been there through everything.  We have known each other since we were about 6!  Right now everyone has some big milestone that is happen: Lauren is moving to another state, starting a new job, and getting married next year; Bri is also getting married next year: I am having a baby, although in this picture it looks like I just need to lay off the potato chips; and Liz is moving cross the country to start her new job.  Any way it was great to have a night to hang out before everyone went their separate ways.

On another note, Dufda and I attempted our first house renovations together this weekend.  Details will come regarding the actual project later.  I have come to the conclusion that maybe you should try to paint a room before you get married to see if you can handle it.  Dufda and I are both know-it-alls, although Dufda seems to be an expert in more things than I am.  So the problem comes when we know everything but the everything that we know is not the same.  You are using too much paint!  You aren't using enough paint! Well I tried to make it work, but after it was all said and done I just had to have this project as my own.  Dufda please go sleep on the couch and I will let you hold the paint container when I do the ceiling : ).

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