Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 15

How far along? 15 weeks

How big is Baby? Naval Orange
What did I do with last week's fruit?  (This is a new addition which will get fun when the fruits starting getting weird) Nugget's Lemon was turned into lemon water.  I have to drink so much water that I am always looking for new things to add, or new alternatives.  Post your suggestions below!

Total weight gain? Same as last week, sitting at 121lbs.

Maternity Clothes?  Either those or sweats, depending how great I feel.

Best moment this week? Getting a pumpkin spice coffee from Get-go.  I know that sounds silly, but when you have done without coffee for so long, this can really make your day. Also I had a husband-less weekend (that wasn't great) but what was, our house got clean for the first time since I found out I was pregnant!

Miss anything? Running, hopefully it cools down so I can get outside and pick it up again.  The Pittsburgh Marathon is May 5, 2013, do you think I can do it?!

Food cravings? Powerade or Gatorade, I never liked these before, but now I love them!

Anything making you queasy or sick? I was so exciting to make this chicken dinner that you cook in foil.  I took one look at it and couldn't eat anything.  I then wanted spaghetti for weeks, ate it, then it made me sick all night.

Gender? I am leaning towards boy.

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement? Not yet, but I hear it is soon.

Wedding rings on or off? Back on when I leave the house, off when I am home.  It is very surprising when I tell people that I am pregnant, they look right to my hand to see if I am married.

Happy or Moody most of the time?  I had a really great week, but my weekend was still full of morning sickness : (.

Looking forward to? 20 more days till our first ultrasound!!

Dufda quote of the week?  "Today I wanted a girl from about 12:37 to 2:45, but then I wanted a boy again."

This week started out very awful with my trip to the emergency room.  I bounced back really quick and had a wonderful week at work.  The weekend then went back to being crappy.  Then Dufda came home and took me to get Taco Bell and donuts and everything got a little better!
Dufda went to Athens this weekend, which gave me some time to start reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth.  This book is fabulous, Ina May runs a birth center that is more of a community called The Farm.  She is the ultimate midwife and I would love if I lived in Tennesee for her to catch our baby. She has birthed about 2,900 babies herself.  The book starts out with birth stories from mothers who used the midwives at The Farm to have their babies.  I am really enjoying it, and definitely suggest it if you are planning a natural birth.

Pregnant? Link your update with us...


  1. I love the quote of the week, I may have to add something like that. Also love the what you did with the weekly fruit. Good luck finding some of them ;)

  2. So creative to find ways to use the weekly fruits - I love that! Also, I think I am going to add the Weddings Rings section to my future pregnancy journal posts! With my first pregnancy, I could only wear them up to 22 weeks. Hoping for longer this time!


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