Friday, August 31, 2012

Prince or Princess, Pink or Blue, Daddy doesn't care, but I do.

I am going to write this post with full acknowledgement that it may offend my little nugget in the future, if that little nugget is a boy.  With that being said, I want a little girl more then anything, the reasons are stupid, but I will tell you them anyway. First and foremost, I want to invest all my new mom energy into a little girl, I myself am obviously a girl and would love nothing more then to have a little mini me.  Secondly, being a girl, I feel like I know how to raise a girl better then I would be able to raise a boy.  Thirdly (Is that a word?), I like tutus.

Now it would make more sense to have a boy first, but I am not one for practicality, I will however go over the pros, just in case nugget's birth certificate says Jad Dufda Rawagah (yep, we are talking names now, and that is the boys name and I don't care if you don't like it, no his middle name will not be Dufda, I just promised to omit the hubs name from my blog).  The first reason why a boy would be great: In Dufda's culture, the parents assume the name Father of First Born, or Abu Jad.  Dufda has already expressed his want to not be Abu Something super girly.  Dufda is pro-boy all the way, so at least one of us will be happy come gender reveal day.  Second, I think having a big brother is great, I had one, but I also had a big sister, so I don't know how it shaped my being.  And lastly, everyone tells me boys are easier, which I can totally see.  I think my parents would have traded me for a boy most days.
Anyway, now that I have aired out my preferences, let's get to sexing this baby, and by that I mean using the most basic, old school wives tales that there are to have some fun and hopefully does not get me seeing blue.

Chinese Gender Chart
This was the first way I came across to determine the gender.

As you can see, the month of conception and age determine this predictor.  Here is the confusing part, they do this western versus eastern age.  With western dating, I am 26, the baby was conceived in June, they say I am having a BOY.  If I would go off of eastern age, I would be consider 27, because I am in 27th year, and the baby would be a GIRL, well this nugget is Jordanian, so we like the eastern way of aging me, but only until I am 30.

Carrying High, Carrying Low
I think that it's a little to early for this one, my bump is just starting to show.  We will probably know the sex before I am able to determine how I am carrying.
Peeing into baking soda
So the wives tale goes that if you pee on baking soda and it fizzes like pop, you are having a boy, if it does nothing, you are having a girl.  So I did this and nothing happened!  That would say GIRL.

It is said that the fetal heart rate can determine the sex of the baby.  If the heart rate is 140 or above you are having a girl, and if the heart rate is below 140, you are having a BOY.  Well this one comes out GIRL, the heart rate is 158bpm.  The medical community says that this theory has some backing, but not until the baby is actually born.  They know that girl's heart rates increase considerably higher than boys during labor.  Forget that though, this works in my favor, so I like this one.

Dufda's Weight Gain
 I think he has lost weight, but that is mainly due to me being lazy and not wanting to go to the gym with him.  As for actual weight gain, I would say none at all.  This would mean we are having a BOY, on that note I am going to feed him some cheese burgers.

Is my face round and Full?
I do not think my face has changed at all, so this would say I am having a BOY.

Do you have acne?
I feel like I have gotten the biggest and most painful pimples while pregnant.  Not to mention my face is covered in little pimples, and new ones are forming every day.  This would say that I am having a GIRL!

Tie your wedding ring to a string
If your wedding ring goes back and forth, you are said to have a boy.  If you ring goes in a circle, you are said to have a girl.  Well mine definitely went back and forth, so this would mean I am having a BOY.

What are you craving?
If you are craving sweets you are said to have a girl, if it's sour and salty then it would be a boy.  I hate dessert, but have gotten it everywhere we go.  I also have eat salt and vinegar on everything.  So it looks like this one would say I am having a BOY and a GIRL!

What do I think I am having?
The mother's intuition is correct 71% of the time.  I think it is a BOY.  Even by the end of this post, I get more and more o.k with that.  I know this isn't a comparison, and everyone will be saying to themselves "Dogs and kids aren't the same", but my favorite dog is a boy, and I like having him as my little buddy, so maybe I will grow to love having nugget be a boy.  If any of you know me, I change my mind a lot and don't let things bother me for along time, so if there is no girl, I will get use to soccer balls and dirt.

So the outcome is 6 votes boy and 5 votes girl, about 50/50 : ).


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