Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And The Nugget Starts to Grow...

Week 5

I found out I was pregnant on June 24, 2012, I was about 4wk6d.  I had no symptoms at all, but now that I reflect back, the crying episode in the airport when the security took my hand sanitzer, was most likely related to pregnancy.  This week I called the home birth midwife to set up an appointment.  We would like to have a very natural birth, preferably at home.  This scares that crap out of Dufda, but he will get over it.

Week 6

 I still have about 3 weeks before Dufda gets home, and it is getting pretty lonely.  Specially because this is the first week that I started to feel nauseous.  Threw up at work on Monday and it was very embarrassing.  We had our appointment with the Midwife and we just didn't hit it off right away.  I then decided to call the Midwife center and set up a tour with them.  We also told my parents this week.  Their reaction: "Who's pregnant?"  Yeah, not exactly what I was looking for, but they came around and our happy now.

Week 7

Pregnancy is getting harder and harder.  I am throwing up constantly, and all I want to eat is Saltines.  My nose won't stop running either, and I hear this may not stop till I give birth.

Week 8

Dufda comes home this week!  I don't know if he is prepared for dealing with a pregnant wife, but we will see. 
Picking Dufda up in the airport was very emotional.  I have missed him terribly and have become very accustom to living with him.  I was waiting at the bottom of the escalator in baggage pick up, trying to hold myself together.  He came down, and I had barely recognized him, he had lost so much weight!  All I wanted to do was hug him and kiss him, but we had to get in the car and drive home. 

Now to watch the bump grow..

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