Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 20 - Half way there!!

How far along? 20 weeks

Weight Gain? 14lbs

How big is Nugget?  A small cantelope

What did I do with last week's fruit?  All fruits are on hold because I am so lazy.

Maternity Clothes?  Today I went through my closet and put away everything that I cannot fit in.  Hopefully this makes it easier for me to get dressed in the morning.  It will also make it easier to clean our Nugget's room in preparation to make it into a nursery.

Stetch marks:  Growing all over my thighs.  I should try to exercise, but to be honest, I just don't care.

Best moment this week?  We had our anatomy scan at Magee Women's today.  Nugget is perfect and looks cuter than ever.  He is measuring 5 days ahead, but they still kept my due date at March 3rd.

Miss Anything?  Having a clean house, cooking dinner, all the things I have been slacking on since becoming pregnant.

Food Cravings?  Cheese fries!  If you are craving these, Wendy's just started making them and they are the perfect size.

Movement?  Nugget is sure letting me know he is there.  I can feel him everyday now.  Dufda still hasn't got to feel a solid kick yet, but I know it will be soon.

Anything make you queasy or sick?  I had a really bad day on Tuesday and had to go home from work because I couldn't stop getting sick.  I do not know what caused this, but it didn't stop till 8pm.  I have kind of thrown in the towel on getting better.  I want to stop taking this medicine, but I know when I do I just become so sick.

Gender?  During our anatomy scan I ask the lady to confirm the sex and it is definitely a boy!

Looking forward to?  Our one year anniversary is this Sunday!  We have no plans, but I still think it is exciting.

Dufda quote of the week?  So we were driving home from Walmart and Dufda has been pretty sick all weekend so he wasn't saying much.  All of the sudden he sits up straight and starts waving President/Miss America style.  I obviously ask him what he is doing.  His response?  " I am preparing to be the Pope."  Dufda is Muslim and certainly very weird, and he is never going to be the Pope.  I nearly puke/peed all over myself because I found this so amusing.  He also this week told me we needed to get the baby aprons.  Yep, that would actually be the Jordanian code word for bibs. 


  1. Congratulations on being half way there!! You look great as always!

  2. Yay for half way!! You are seriously just the most adorable pregnant woman ever!

  3. Your husband's quotes KILL me! You look great-- keep up the good work, mama!

  4. I loved this part of my pregnancy! I felt the best in the middle and was able to get the most done on the nursery!

  5. I can't believe you're half baked already!

  6. You look wonderful!!! Cheese Fries at Wendy's? really?? hmm....

  7. You look great! I love the comparison!

  8. I just cracked up over the stretch mark comment! I too am starting to get some stretch marks and feel like I should work out but really don't have any motivation to do so. And thanks a lot for mentioning cheese fries. I think I should specifically skip over your craving section on each of these updates :) Can you believe we're halfway already?!
