Tuesday, October 23, 2012

21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks

Weight Gain? 20lbs

How big is Nugget?  Banana

Maternity Clothes?  I bought a new dress to go out for our one year anniversary that I love.  It's from Target and fits like a glove.  I need to find it in all colors.

Stretch marks?  No new ones, but my skin is so itchy so I assume they are coming.

Best moment this week?  We went and bought all of the baby's furniture and the furniture required to finish up our room.  We then had to assemble this which was definitely a low point of the week.  Ikea furniture requires two people to assemble it, but they only give you one tool.  If we had two it would have been a whole lot faster and less stressful.

Miss Anything?  Being able to stand up unassisted from our super low couches.  I didn't think this was suppose to happen so soon.  That brings me to my least favorite thing that people say to pregnant women.  Shouldn't that be over and Isn't this to soon for any said condition!  I get told that morning sickness should be over by now all the time.  Thanks! I wish it was too, but apparently I don't fall into that lucky category of normal.  I also am faced with people who some how think 21 weeks pregnant, isn't well, pregnant enough to be in pain.  Well I will tell you that I come home from work unable to walk and my hips feel like they are splitting.  Please cue everyone now to tell me how much worse it will get.  Why do people not just let you experience YOUR pregnancy and not try to relive theirs.  If you would like to do that I am sure you remember how to make that occur.  If not just listen and nod your head, and tell said pregnant woman that it is all worth it because you get the best prize ever!

Food Cravings?  I haven't had any wierd ones this week.

Movement?  He is moving around everywhere.  I feel him everyday now, but it is still hard to get Dufda to feel him.

Anything make you queasy or sick?  It was a vomit free week!  I still can't let go on the Zofran, which the midwife doesn't seem concerned about.

Gender?  Still a wittle boy!  He got clothes from his Aunt Tracy this week!

Looking forward to?  Setting up the nursery.  Everything is just in boxes right now.  We have our room set up with enough storage to compensate for what we are losing, but we still have to deconstruct the closet, fill in all the holes, and paint before any furniture can be assembled.

We had a midwife appointment this week.  She went over the anatomy scan results and said that everything looks great, every measurement was perfect.  I had to turn in my food tracker, which I was really nervous about because I thought she would have not approved.  I was substituting fruit for liquid because I could not drink water.  She actually said that this was a great plan.  She also suggested that I try to incorporate swimming into my routine to get some exercise.  I have struggled with this the whole pregnancy because 1.) I have been so sick and 2.) I feel like a failure, because I ran a marathon a couple of week prior to getting pregnant.  I need to find a bathing suit that fits my new bumplicious body then to the pool I go.

We also celebrated our one year anniversary this week.  The weekend was perfect.  Saturday we spent shopping for Nugget.  Then we spent Sunday assembling some furniture and went to Nakama for dinner.  This is my favorite place to eat, but Dufda insist that it is a rip off.  He made an exception to this to allow me to get whatever I wanted to eat for my anniversary.  We had our year old cake, it wasn't very good.  Now that it is no longer in our freezer we are able to finally fill it with more important things!


  1. Yu are doing great mama! But if you think you get enough unwanted advice NOW, wait til the baby comes. >_< I have had months of practive int he "nod, smile, and ignor them" department! You do whatever is best for YOU.

  2. You look fabulous! Light exercise always helped my morning sickness -- although I didn't have it as bad as you, poor girl! Here's hoping for more vomit-free weeks!

  3. You look so great in that dress!

  4. I was so happy to get our cake topper out of our freezer, and yeah ours was awful too! You look great!!

  5. You look great! Happy anniversary :) Our cake was terrible after a year, too, haha... I now think that tradition is silly, what a waste! Anyyywayy - how exciting you got the furniture!

  6. you get cuter EVERY week! cant wait to see this little baby!!

  7. I think people tend to share their pregnancy experiences with other women to not only commiserate because it was such a special time in their lives, everyone loves talking about their children, their pregnancies are apart of that too!

  8. Be sure to use a belly rub (Palmer's Organic Cocoa Butter for preventing stretch marks). It will help with the itching and stretch marks. : )
