Tuesday, October 30, 2012

22 Weeks

How far along? 22 weeks

Weight Gain? 20.5lbs!  and loving every moment.  I have always been scared of seeing a higher number on the scale and now I get an almost free pass to gain what I would like.  Starting with a low BMI, I was told that around 40lbs will be just fine.

How big is Nugget?  He is the size of a spaghetti squash.

Maternity Clothes?  I finally had to go get a new black shirt for pictures.  It was also a sad day this week when I couldn't fit into most of my t-shirts.  I never could imagine being too big to fit into a regular t-shirt!

Stretch Marks?  Definitely getting bigger but my skin is doing good!

Best moment this week?  We put together Nugget's nursery.  Don't worry there will be a whole seperate post for this so you can see how freaking cute it is.

Miss Anything?  I have all this energy, but I can't do anything because my back hurts so bad.  I have the desire to clean my whole house and do the dishes and finish painting the nursery, but instead I have to lay in bed because I am in so much pain.  I miss being super active and never getting tired.

Food cravings?  The skin of the potato, not potatoe skins but the skin on a baked potato.  Yum!

Movement?  I saw Nugget  kick from the outside for the first time.  Dufda felt him again as well.  He is super active and doing somersaults in my belly all day long and I love it!

Anything make you queasy or sick?  Well since I just had to run to the bathroom to throw up while typing this I guess that would be the salad and raviolis I made for dinner. 

Gender?  If you didn't know we were having a boy and you saw the nursery there would be no question.  I got to choose the paint for the bedroom so I let Dufda pick the paint for the nursery.  My thought was that the baby isn't going to care if it is ugly.  I really wanted a pale neutral yellow, Dufda picked a baby blue.  We skipped the sample stage and just got the gallon.  I loved it when it went on the wall, I hated it when it dried, and now I loved it with everything set up.

Looking forward to?  My baby shower!  It isn't till February, but I am so excited to have my family and friends together because we do not see each other as much as we should.


  1. I love reading your updates! I've been slacking on mine lately. And, random, but your picture made me think of it -- I've never had a spaghetti squash. I'm really wanting to try it as everyone talks about how good it is! So exciting about seeing baby kick - It's so fun when you can start seeing movement on the outside!!!

  2. Have you tried going to a chiropractor for your back pain? I went all the time when pregnant and it was so helpful! It's actually easier for chiropractors to adjust you when your pregnant and they have tables especially for pregnant women.

  3. I loved when I could sit on the bed and watch P just move around! :o) He was always really active after I was moving around for awhile! Great job documenting everything. You will really be happy you did later on! Hope your arms are getting stronger, the fruit only gets heavier!

  4. I'm glad you ended up liking the paint color, can't wait to see the finished product!

  5. You look SO CUTE, I love your bump! And yes - go to a chiro - you won't regret it!
