Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 19

How far along? 19 weeks

How big is Nugget? Mango or an Heirloom Tomato, or a Golden Acorn if the grocery store is out of the other two.

What did I do with last week's fruit?  Still waiting to make my sweet potato, Dufda needs to be gone so I don't feel bad about eating with out him.

Total weight gain? Down 2lbs from last week, so we are going with 12lbs total.

Maternity Clothes?  I found really great t-shirts at Target this week that should stretch the length of this pregnancy and be able to be worn after.  I also got a wonderful sweater, also from Target, from my mother that I can't wait to cuddle up in.

NEW: Stetch marks:  I found my first one!  Although I have never been overweight, I still had stretch marks prior to getting pregnant.  I am in the group of people that believe this is unavoidable.  I also believe for every stretch mark that you have, there are thousands of women who would kill to have those stretch marks from being pregnant but can't, so you should appreciate it.

Best moment this week? Baby shopping!  I scored a whole lot of diapers for Nugget on ebay.  I got 110!  Can't wait for them to come in the mail.  They are one size fits all diapers, so I will be selling off the pink and girly ones, to purchase newborn diapers.  Also got a super cute dinosaur diaper that is fluffy, I can't wait to put on his little bum.  Nugget got his first winter coat from his grandma along with some other items that were so cute I cried.  He also got his first non-family baby present from Jocelyn, the cutest NFL onesies.  I decided this week that we will be doing his nursery in a fun monster theme, so I have been obsessed with monsters!

Miss Anything?  I had a serious decrease in energy this week, Nugs must be growing super fast.  I have went to bed around 8:30 every night.  I made myself stay up to spend time with Dufda last night and only made it to about 11:00pm.

Lovin' being pregnant for the moment : )
Food Cravings? Nothing specific, but I had an awesome random meal at Church Brew Works on Saturday: Side salad with seasame dressing, pumpkin bisque soup, and some pierogies.  YUM!

Anything make you queasy or sick?  I am back to not being able to brush my teeth.  In general though, raw meat.  I finally agreed to go to Dufda's favorite restaurant where you make your own stir fry, a.k.a raw meat buffet.  I had to grab some noodles and procede as far away as possible.  Even watching them cook it was tough. 

Gender?  Boy, Boy Boy!!  I never knew what it was going to feel like to see the baby, know it was a boy, and have a name for this little one.  Literally everything about this little boy makes me so happy I cry in public all the time.  I swear that whenever I went home and rewatched the video from our ultrasound, I could feel baby Jad squeezing my heart.  When I think about Dufda being a daddy to a little boy I lose it.  When I think about this little buddy of mine, that I will get to tote around, until he starts acting like a devil, I lose it.  When I see other cute little boys out, I lose it.  Then I see the little boys terroizing their parents and I just laugh.

Looking forward to?  We get to see Nugget this weekend at our 20 week anatomy scan!

Dufda quote of the week?  Me: "I really want to do the nursery in monsters, can you please just say you like this."  Dufda: "I was actually thinking we could do it in goats and cows instead."  - Oh my little Jordanian.


  1. If you're looking for clothes you can wear thru pegnancy and after, I swore by Old Navy tank tops. They're long and stretchy...I only just outgrew them at 35 weeks pregnant with twins (they fit around my belly, but not all the way to the bottom). And a friend fo mine did her twin sons' nursery in monsters...i'll have to see if she has any pics. SUPER CUTE idea. You're gonna have to squash that goats and cows idea NOW.

  2. OMG, your lunch the other day sounds amazing, and I'm NOT pregnant! Now I have to find Pumpkin Bisque soup and beg my grandmother to make me some pierogies. :)

  3. First, I'm so jealous of your diaper score! Second, that lunch sounds amazing! Third, I totally agree with you about many women who would kill to have stretch marks from pregnancy. I have a few friends who are struggling with infertility and it breaks my heart to see things be so difficult for them.

  4. I'm excited to see what you make with the golden acorn! I'm so glad you got those diapers!
