Friday, November 2, 2012

Nugget's Nursery - A Shopping We Will Go!

So in our quest to make a room for Nugget we had to first make room for all of our stuff that was in Nugget's room. This included a big trip to what I think is the happiest place on earth...Ikea!

Dufda actually promised me this trip for our one year anniversary and it was the best gift ever. I made a whole list online and was prepared to shop til I dropped, which doesn't take veryy long when you are kind of pregnant. So here was my shopping list:
  • Closet system for our bedroom
  • Crib for Nugget
  • Wardrobe for Nugget
  • Dresser for Nugget
  • Light Fixture for Nugget
  • Leaf canopy for crib 
We first picked out the closet system, which was easy because the one we wanted was big and cheap!  We didn't measure anything so we were just hoping that they had the one we wanted.  Then we went down to the self service area in Ikea where all the little baubles and goodies are, as well as the children's section.  Dufda had all of the sudden wanted new dishes.  I totally agreed with this purchase since our set is from the thrift store and for 56 pieces cost me all of $14.99, don't get me wrong they are awesome dishes but if he wanted new ones I figured he should get new ones.  Dufda wanted white dishes and I agreed on new ones if they were black or brown, since nothing in our home is white.  I put the black in my cart and we proceeded.  Dufda did not let up on the white, so I have been trying to embrace this new philosophy of "Does it really matter?"  So in keeping with this I told him to go get the white, because does it really matter if our dishes don't match.  Now, I have developed this sense of control from my mother who not only matches everything but also changes her entire house with the season.  In the end, wanna know what dishes we got?  None!  Dufda said we will tackle this the next time we are there.

Next we came upon window coverings.  Another item not on our list.  Ikea naturally though had this window system that was just amazing and Dufda and I both agreed to we need it for our sliding door.  We were trying to figure the system out with no measurements, but the estimates that I was concocting in my head.  We needed like 6 rails and a ton of accessories and attachments, not to mention the fabric.  It was going to be a whole mess, so this along with the dishes will have to wait until next trip.

I believe we have finally at this point arrived at the wonderful land of Ikea Children's.  We came upon the lighting first.  I wanted a big sun for the light fixture, but was willing to compromise for the one with the blue clouds.  Dufda hated them all.  He insist we can find a better one cheaper.  The light fixture was $24.99, there isn't anything cheaper than Ikea!  Next was the argument regarding the leaf canopy I wanted, as you guess Dufda found this completely unnecessary.  I was buying that freaking leaf no matter what though.  Finally we got to the furniture!  The set that I have had my heart set on, was being discontinued so I didn't know if they were going to have it.  We saw it in the girl color, but not the boy and I got a little sad.  After waiting what felt like hours for someone to come help us, we were able to find our crib, dresser and wardrobe. Yay! I can't wait to put it all together!

Now everyone knows what comes last at Ikea: You have to pick up all your own furniture.  Poor Dufda is stuck with a pregnant wife you can't lift anything.  I called a time out at this point and ordered him to go outside and take a break and come back refreshed, so that we could continue to enjoy our shopping trip.  Dufda returns and we picked out the pieces that we are able to get in the Ikea store, checked-out, then we had to go pick up the rest of it at the furniture pick up.  This was quite the draining day.  The drive home from Ikea is like 45 minutes, after which I needed a nap.  The van is where all that furniture stayed until the next day.


  1. I love Ikea! Our crib and dressers are from there. My husband doesn't share my enthusiasm for that store. Every time we go there we end up having these delusions of grandeur about things we're going to do to our house. In the end we try to estimate and just get frustrated and say "we'll get it next time". Which of course turns into "We'll get it never, because I'm never coming here ever again" after we go through the item pick-up and checkout area.. haha

  2. Have you seen the 30 Rock episode where Liz and her boyfriend go to IKEA? That's what I imagine you guys were like. I like the blue furniture, too bad it's not goats and cows though...

  3. I still haven't gone to an Ikea. We don't have nay in our state! I want to go there so bad though, everyone is always talking about it!

  4. I wish we had an Ikea near us! There is not one close.
