Wednesday, November 28, 2012

26 Weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks

Weight Gain? I was at a high of 30lbs this week, but I am back down to about 25lbs.

How big is Nugget?  Nugget is the size of a head of lettuce.
Maternity Clothes?  I still have not went and bought a coat and I am freezing most days because I only have one pair of jeans I can wear with boots.  The clothes that were far to big on me a couple of weeks ago, do not fit anymore.  Death to demi panel pants! I only have 3 months left.  Do I really need a coat?

Best moment this week?  This week was full of great times.  We had a large family get together because my brother was going back to Vermont.  My dad really wanted a family picture of everyone, so I drove home early from my trip to Ohio to participate.  Look how nice it turned it out:

We celebrated both my brother and my birthday's, as well.  We are born 1 year and 51 weeks apart.  I am also born a week prior to my cousin, who was born on the same day as my brother.  They just so happen to be born on my parents anniversary as well.  Holy Holidays! 

The next day was my birthday!  I am all of 27 years old and am still not use to it yet.  Since the baby has consumed my life, of course I got something for the baby for my birthday.  Look at that beauty...
I am so excited my parents got us a stroller so I didn't have to use the one we already had.  This one is much more my style.  On top of all those holiday, it was also Thanksgiving!  Of course, my heartburn is so bad I couldn't really enjoy it much.   

My mom and I actually ventured out to Walmart at 8pm to see the craziness. And Craziness was just what it was.  What is it about $4 toasters that makes people crazy.  I got two small toys for the Nugs and got the heck out.  Anyway, pretty eventful happy week!

Miss Anything?  Let me eat esophagus!

Food Cravings?  I crave steak a lot, and that is what we had for Thanksgiving dinner, so I was pretty happy.

Movement?  Nugget finally flipped for the first time to start kicking me in the ribs.  I was also able to catch this little bugger on film, finally!

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I am still not feeling right.  This heartburn has made it so I feel like I am constantly going to vacate my stomach because it is so fiery.

Looking forward to?  Give me my baby!  This was the first week where I was like get this thing out of me now.  I am sure I will have this thought many more times while I continue to become more pregnant.

Dufda quote of the week:  I am waiting for Jad's Ferrari.  What was this "Ferrari" that Dufda was waiting for, you ask?  Please refer to my birthday present!

So Dufda and I get this stroller delivered to our house.  We are first time parents and pretty big novices (is that a word?) when it comes to baby gear.  The stroller comes in the biggest box that they can find.  It weighs as much as a sumo wrestler.  I am thinking how in the world and I going to tote this thing around by myself.  Dufda waited all day when I was at work so we could assemble Jad's "Ferrari" together.  He literally couldn't wait, and I love this about him.  He is so excited about mail.  Probably because it is comes on truck here in America, versus a camel back in Jordan (hehe was that offensive?  I love camel jokes.)  So we pull out this bad boy and we are both thinking, "Wait, what? Stroller's need assembled?  They are always put together in the store."  We looked for directions, put I guess Britax feels that if you are able to make a child you should be able to make a stroller, because they did not include any.  This is your first test as a new parent.  How long does it take you to break this new device that will carry your precious cargo.  This time is directly proportional to the amount time it will take you to forget your child in said device.  Directions or not, we made the stroller.  Now the car seat...whole other story.  Why do they send you the car seat attached to the base?  Wanna know why?  Because they hate you!  Dufda and I spent forever trying to get that seat to disconnect.  The big, enormous latch is what you should pull.  This will release it very simply.  That latch, is in the back, under the seat and not any special color.  You know what is a special color?  All the things that do not assist in removing the car seat from the base.  All in all, I hate strollers, they are just mean.


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