Friday, November 9, 2012

Nugget's Nursery - Boy's rooms aren't purple!

So if you remember from when I first started to update you on the long process of turning our closet into a nursery, this is what the room looked like:
You can start back at the beginning by just clicking on the Nursery label at the bottom of this post.  Well, that room was the opposite of boy.  I knew that I did not want purple, but I did want something that was neutral.  I was hoping for a yellow, maybe an off-white.  I relinquished my control over the paint color to my husband, though.  I did this for a couple of reasons: 1.  I have a control problems 2. Does the baby really care what color the room is? and 3.  I would rather have a a happy husband than an awesome room (I will still make this room awesome, even with the paint).  Dufda chose blue.  BLUE the most boy color their is.  Can we get anymore cliche?  We agreed on a lighter color blue than he originally wanted, but it is still a lot of blue!  The first step of this project was to clear out the room.  We had been doing this is stages because we did not know where to put everything.  I finally gave up and started dismantling the whole closet and just throwing it into my basement.  We got it to look like this pretty fast.
 After taking all of the shelves and hooks down there was a lot of wall repair that needed to be done.  Dufda loves to do wall work so I let him have the time of his life filling in holes and patching the walls.  Next we have to prime.  This is my least favorite step because you get no real satisfaction out of it.  Dufda and I do not see eye to eye on priming.  His way of painting is very unorganized and I like to  make sure I finish a wall before I start another.  In the end, the room was primed and we needed it to dry.  No more Purple!
We went to sleep at this time, because Hurricane Sandy was making for a very humid room.  Our paint was literally seeping off the wall and dripping into the windows.  This worked well for my plan, too.  I was going to get up super early and start, as well as finish (hopefully), painting before Dufda woke up.  This would make the whole situation way less stressful and I would be able to paint at my pace. 

I woke up and was so excited to crack open that gallon of paint.  And Ta Dah!
You can't really see the color here, but I will find that it is much darker on the walls than in this can.  I am trying to be super quiet so I don't wake Dufda.  I bet he is actually awake and just not coming in the room to avoid working, but this was totally alright with me.  Instead I made him a little picture and sent it to him. And yes, we are totally that couple who texts each other from the other room, deal with it.
I then got to completing my masterpiece.  The rain was still pouring outside, which made for far from ideal painting conditions.  When I woke Dufda up to show him, the paint was just about falling off the walls.  I fixed what I could and just had to crank up the heat and let it dry.  I still have to finish the wall to ceiling trim, because the ceiling wouldn't dry enough for me to edge.  Here is a better picture of what the color actually looks like.  I am starting to love it, but it is really weird having a blue room in a house of all browns.
Next up, we are going to put some furniture in this nursery!


  1. It looks great!

    We picked blue before we knew the sex of our baby, but ours was a very bright blue so if it was a boy we would have had lime green accents and for a girl bright pink. I am so in love with Aliceana's pink and blue room now!

  2. holy shat look at ur closet !! LOL never seen that only on TV!! -- love the colour of the new room :)

  3. um. You had the most gigantic walk in closet EVER. I want that!

  4. I love the blue but, what are you going to use as a closet!

    1. We converted a built in desk to a closet, it was a sad day
