Saturday, November 10, 2012

23 Weeks!

I hired a pregnant stand in for me this week.  She is a lot prettier than I am when upset, but this was my week 23.

So this is late and not like usual.  This week I have come home from work crying and wanting to take a shower every night.  I blame this on day light savings time.  Why do the people of Pittsburgh all of the sudden forget how to drive in traffic when it gets dark outside. Now back to your regularly scheduled pregnancy update:

How far along? 23 weeks

Weight Gain?  You think I got on a scale this week, your nuts!  This is what I did:  Go to work, come home lay in bed, yell at Dufda because dinner isn't cooked, take a shower because I'm cold, fall asleep.

How big is Nugget?  Nugget is the size of a Papaya, like what?  He was a spaghetti squash last week then you are going to regress his size to a papaya.  I assure you this baby isn't getting smaller base on the fact that I can see him from the outside!

Maternity Clothes?  Yeah, I have them.  Would someone like to come wash them for me so I can wear them?

Stretch marks?  No new ones, but I do see my ankles disappearing.  That just adds to the awesomeness of being pregnant right?

Best moment this week?  The look on the cashier's face when I was buying ice cream at 8am for immediate consumption.

Miss Anything? Daylight, I miss daylight.  Do you know anything I can do about that.  I also miss fitting into my coats.

Food Cravings?  What's that you say?  We are out of cookies!  I do think so!  I want milk, ummm no, how about pudding.  Do we have any clementines?  Hahaha, my poor husband.

Movement?  I am trying to capture this little gremlin on tape and he is not cooperating.  I guess I can scratch actor off of the list of Jad's potential careers.  I did take Jad to go stalk see Channing Tatum this week.  We didn't have any luck and I thought it was inappropriate to stand outside harboring another man's child while waiting to swoon over Channing.

Anything make you queasy or sick?  These nasty beef ravioli's from the freezer section.  I got them because Dufda doesn't like the cheese ones.  Well guess what!  He doesn't like these ones either!  The promptly made their reappearance about an hour after eating them.

Gender?  How many pairs of shoes does an boy infant who can't walk need?  When they are my offspring, I would say two pair for every pair of 5-inch stilettos I had to give up to give him a room.  

Looking forward to?  Being so pregnant I physically can't get out of bed, that way I feel less bad about how dirty the house is.

Dufda's Quote of the week?  "You need to stop walking like a moochkin (That is Jordanian for munchkin), you don't walk like a moochkin when you are in heels, so just stop.  We need to soak your arms in bat blood to make them less hairy." 

I did actually have a fantastic night out with friends this week.  We have not stayed up past 10 o' clock in forever so this was a nice change.  We had dinner downtown at a New Orleans restaurant called Nola, then we went cosmic bowling.  Bowling while pregnant is odd.  1. Cosmic bowling is filled with 15 year olds who stare at you like, "OMG pregnant people stay up past 5 o'clock" 2. I had a 6lb kids ball and I was still super sore the next morning.  All in all it was a great time.  Plus, it gave me a reason to get a new dress!


  1. As always you look so cute pregnant!!!

  2. LOL it will get easier to capture him on tape when he's a little bigger!

  3. You don't want to get to that so pregnant you don't want to move stage, it's miserable! The last month of pregnancy I hibernated. I didn't leave the house (unless I was grabbing food haha) and nobody was allowed to visit.

    You look adorable! I love the purple dress!

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