Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nugget's Nursery - Daddy needs a closet

From the previous post, you know that we have our furniture.  This furniture sat in the van overnight, because we were both to tired and couldn't think of a good way to get it into our house.  Finally in the morning Dufda got a dolly and started hauling it up the side lawn.  We stacked it in the dining room because we still did not have a room to put the baby's stuff in.  We were able to start assembling the closet, though!  Our bedroom is getting the new closet, so that we can move Dufda's clothes from Nugget's room.  The problem with this is: our room is small.  The closet needed to be built on the ground and we were able to create enough room by sheer millimeters.  We started to build, then realized we were doing it up-side down, you know how specific Ikea instructions are... We had reservations for dinner that night, so we couldn't finish it all in one shot.  We go to here and had to stop.
Doesn't look like much of anything yet.  That dresser next to it, is suppose to be Nugget's and have a changing table on it.  I don't if we will be able to give up the storage, or if Nugget will have any room left after I am done with his room.  

After we get back from dinner, we started to finish the closet.  This was my first project from Ikea that required the hanging of doors (little did I know, it wouldn't be my last).  This is a two person job that requires great patience.  You have to line up all three hinges, then balance them, then adjust them, and it is just a huge pain.  I have no pictures of this because after they were up, I am pretty sure I wanted to just throw the whole thing out the window!  

One thing that Dufda and I never see eye to eye on is how to fold clothes.  I, being a star former employee at American Eagle, prefer a nice clean brick fold on my pants.  I also insist that all hangers be the same way and shirt be organized first by color, then by sleeve length.  Think this is ridic?  You never lose clothes this way, you always know where everything is.  Well, unless you are 5 months pregnant and after showing your husband how to do laundry a million times, you have just given up on clean clothes because the basement is far away and you back hurts, and no one else will do them.

Onward.  Dufda likes to grocery himself.  I think this is fantastic and he is very good at it.  I go for what I want now and he goes for what we need for the week.  Dufda went grocery shopping and I took it upon myself to set up his closet.  I was so excited to do some organizing.  And Ta Da!
Ahhh, isn't that just beautiful.  Dufda hated that I hung his sweaters, and now they have a place to all be folded.  He has a shelf for gym clothes, another for going out clothes and yet another for pants.  I love it so much I want to steal it.  He came home and was pretty excited as well. 


  1. Beautiful. So jealous ;)

  2. It looks fabulous!! Are you in the nesting stage of pregnancy?

  3. The closets look great! I'm so impressed with how much you've gotten done!

  4. I am the SAME EXACT WAY! Hubbies closet drives me crazy. When he was deployed for 4 months I went in and organized everything :) I bet it felt good!

  5. I LOVE good organized closet....Mine is a hot mess!
