Monday, November 12, 2012

Nugget's Nursery - Ikea will be the death of me

We had purchased the furniture prior to having a room to put the furniture in.  This really made us work hard to complete the room.  We had three pieces that needed assembled: a wardrobe, a dresser and a crib.  All three from Ikea, and all three just a mess of particle board, wooden dowels, and stupid allen wrenches waiting to be assembled by Dufda and I.  

We started with the crib.  I believe that when we opened it up Dufda exclaimed "This is going to be super easy!"  Not so fast hot stuff.  I pause this discussion to remind you that Middle Easterns are passionate about everything.  I have never experienced so many people that love each other yell at one another than when I was in Jordan.  They aren't mad or fighting, that is just how they speak. Dufda is also a self proclaimed expert at building furniture, you know he did build a closet once.  This makes for a great experience every time we need to rely on team work.  Anyway, the crib.  This is a 3 person job, but since the only other beings in our house have paws, we had to make it a two person.  I think this took almost an hour and half.  You have to line up awkward pins and build it on its side, all at the same time making this enclosure safe for that little being that will live in it for a couple of years.  This was the scariest part.  Like, who cares if I screw up Jad's dresser.  No one will get hurt if his mounds of clothes come crashing through the drawers.  Someone will get hurt if Dufda and I can't get our shit together and make this crib the most indestructible thing there is.  Well, we finished it.
It doesn't look like much, but as a first time mom this is huge.  I think I sat on that piece of cardboard for an hour marveling at the crib that is OUR house for OUR baby boy.  I probably cried as well, proceeded by Dufda telling me I am insane and need to stop being so emotional.  It just looks so serene sitting there.  That was short lived, because we needed to assemble the rest of the furniture that is more circus fun, than serious baby.

Next up was the wardrobe.  I was so excited to assemble this because I had visions of having this furniture for a baby since Ikea made it years ago.  It is so fun, slightly impractical, but ideal for a little boy.  I opened up that box and had a slight panic attack, that then triggered more tears.  This is what I saw:
The blues totally clash.  After a freak out moment and complaining to my mother, I started the assembly on my own.  This was short lived, because how was I going to make anything from Ikea without ten more hands.  This piece wasn't that bad.  It did have a door though.  If you remember from the closet assembly, these things are hard to install.  This was no exception.  The instructions for this piece had a much better illustration on how to fix the alignment of the doors then the previous one.  And there you have it, the cutest closet a little boy could ask for:
Thank God for the dark blue trim, which takes away from the clashing blues.  I wanted to stock this thing full of all the little boy clothes that I had, but I had no hangers : (.  It remains empty now...but not for long.

By the time we got to the dresser, we had a system going that we could work together well and knew the ins and outs of this furniture.  We also only had 45 minutes to build the dresser because heaven forbid we miss Law and Order: SVU.  It ended up taking about 50 minutes and we had to watch SVU on Hulu anyway.
As soon as I put Jad's first monster on top, I knew I loved the whole room.  With orange and some other random accents it will all be pulled together.  Here is the entire layout after I went and brought Jad's toys out of the garage.
The chair (which is currently covered by Dufda's blanket) was in my parents house while I was growing up, it was then recovered for my bedroom and now I need to recover it for this room.  I guess I could get a nicer one, but I like this one.  You can also see Jad's first stuffed animal, which is of course a camel (It even makes camel noises, What? You don't know what noise a camel makes?).  The yellow blanket was made by Jad's grandma and although I know there is still a lot of time before Jad will enjoy his froggy, I wanted to have it up there (Dufda is frog in arabic).  I love it!  As of right now, the trim needs painted, the floor needs to be delivered, decorations need to be hung, I need to figure out what to do about a changing table, clothes need to be hung and a mattress and bedding need to be bought.  My time limit was 25 weeks and I am actually right on schedule!


  1. His room is so so so adorable! I love the furniture!

  2. ohhh I love it! Ikea sucks me in every time! My daughter's bed came from there (even though it wasnt the one I really wanted, but my husband veto'd getting a metal bed, whatever). :) Your room is super cute!

  3. I LOVE the furniture! It looks like something out of a Dr Seuss book (I mean that in a good way). I love Ikea; we have a tall cabinet in the twins' nursery from there.

  4. Oh my gosh. Your nursery is so darn adorable, and the dresser and closet are beyond the realm of cute. LOVE!

  5. Everything came together so well! It looks great! :)
