Monday, November 12, 2012

24 Weeks!

How Far Along? 24 weeks

Weight Gain? 24lbs Oh look at that!  One pound each week!  I totally meant to do that!

How big is Nugget?  Well Nugget is suppose to be the size of a stalk of corn.  The corn was all moldy at the store.  I improvised and made the baby the size of a pack of onion bagels.  He is suppose to be 12 inches long and I really like bagels.

What did you do with last week's fruit/vegetable?  It was a spaghetti squash, which I have never made or eaten before.  I cut it in half, cooked it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Then I tossed it with salt, pepper and alfredo sauce.  I was a huge fan, Dufda not so much.  What is important here is that I actually cooked dinner.

Maternity Clothes?  Dufda bought me a brand new pair of skinny jeans that are just fantastic.  I was having Ugg withdrawal without skinny jeans, but it is now cured.

Best moment this week?  Next to finally finding skinny jeans, it is probably getting enough energy to do dishes and clean the house.  I was on a roll and didn't want to stop.  Hopefully it lasts.

Miss Anything?  I am having a hard time eating anything because my heartburn is so bad.  White rice seems to be the only that doesn't trigger it.  Good thing I live with a Jordanian who is a rice expert.

Food cravings?  I had a really strong craving for grapefruit...let's just say it didn't end well : (.

Movement?  Still kicking away in there!

Anything make you queasy or sick?  Refer to my cravings.  This seems to always happen, the more I want it the more it makes me sick.

Looking forward to?  Our 3D ultrasound is about a month away.  I am super excited to see what this little nugget looks like!

This weekend Dufda and I went to our first meeting with the Pittsburgh Bump Club.  There were 7 couples that came, which I was super excited about.  We had a game night and everyone brought snacks.  The game that we ended up playing was Apples to Apples.  Dufda has always had an issue with this game.  Since some of the words are not used very frequently, he may not know what they mean.  He also has a hard time picking who wins when it comes to him.  Knowing my husband, though, I knew that I could win the round that he was picking the winner.  He had chose juicy as the card to match.  I just so happen to have olive oil in my card selection.  If you know my Dufda, you know he thinks olive oil is the juiciest thing right next to a super ripe orange.  Of course he picked me!  I did actually end up winning...what can I say, I am pretty awesome.  This is my blog, so I can say I am awesome, right? We had an great time though.  It is always weird trying to meet new friends, not to mention extremely awkward.  Dufda was far more hesitant than I was (I think murder and kidnapping was mentioned), and it seemed like he had a good time.  We set up another Christmas party in December and I am really looking forward to it!


  1. I LOVE Apples to Apples. Funny thing, husband NEVER picks my card. It's uncanny. You look fantastic-- you don't look like you've gained 24 lbs! Skinny mini.

  2. My mom's really good friend is married to the creator of Apples to Apples and I finally made my mom play it. I don't know how she could know the creator and have been to his house on numerous occasions, but have never played his most famous game! haha

    It's definitely the best party game ever, I love it. I'm always the person that puts the cards that make no sense what-so-ever.

    Congrats on making it to 24 weeks! Looking cute as always!

  3. Congrats on your milestone how awesome! On the topic of skinny jeans I totally just bought my first pair I love them! I am the last person I thought would like them and I also ordered a pair of uggs now! What Uggs do you have?!

    1. I have the bailey witht he button, a classic pair and then a rugged pair that is for like hiking in the snow. My button ones are my fave!

  4. You look amazing! I really want to try Spaghetti Squash now!

  5. You look fantastic! I'm so jealous of your get together with other bumpies! That's so awesome! I'm glad you found some skinny jeans that you like. I feel like they are such a staple for winter weather and wearing with boots.

  6. Yay 24 weeks! Apples to Apples is one of our favorites as well! :o)

  7. Happy V-day!

    If you like apples to apples you should try crappy birthday!

  8. Yay for V-day!! You look amazing and I love the improvised bagels! :)
