How far along? 30 Weeks! Can someone tell me how I have been pregnant for 30 weeks!! That means that I have right around 10 weeks left of this, "How are you feeling?" "Are you excited?" "You don't even look pregnant!" "You will probably need a c-section." fun time of my life left! Wa- freakin-who! Some people say that ten weeks is forever, oh that is another one! Although I am 7 months pregnant, people seem to think I have all the time in the world. Tip to the bystander talking to the pregnant lady who clearly looks a mess and will pee/vomit on you at any moment: Tell her 10 weeks is nothing, not that you still have so much time left. Yes, it is great that we are this wonderful vessel for this new human being, but if someone tells you that this is fun they are: 1. Lying to you and need to be smack by every pregnant women who has their face in a toilet or 2. They do not have to go to work, the have a maid to clean their house, and their husband has tons of money...actually that sounds like Kate Middleton and you know what? I bet she has joined the I hate being pregnant club as well, so revert back to number 1. Anyway I am 30 weeks pregnant!!
Weight Gain? About 29lbs
How big is Nugget? Nugget is a cabbage this week.

Best moment this week? We had a really good week but the weekend with my hubs was the best. Apparently when you are 30 weeks pregnant your husband all of the sudden becomes super husband, well at least mine did. He let me nap while he cleaned. He cleaned while I went and sat in my mom's hot tub, don't worry all you pregnant nazi's the temperature was set to a nice warm, below body temperature of 97 degrees. He then let me nap when I got back because I was so tired from sitting in the hot tub. THEN! I woke up and he had dinner ready for me in bed, with juice in wine know just so I can feel fancy. At night we had dinner and went to go get coffee, as well as play with our new camera. I even made him go bra shopping with me and he only complained for about 5 minutes. We ended the night with an awful movie...Don't rent Ted, it will make you more dumb by the moment. It was a nice, little we are having a baby in 10 weeks!!, weekend.
Odd Pregnancy Symptom of the week: Well not really odd, but I am a true emotional mess. There should be rule that your puppy must stay alive through the whole term of your pregnancy. I miss her so much and I cry every time Dufda brings her up. He just tries to make me smile by telling me stories about what Tasha is up to...He has a killer imagination and I cannot wait for him to have his little buddy to share it with. When I put my dog, Nala down I do not remember it being this hard. She was also visibly sick and I knew she wouldn't last. Tasha was full of energy until the day she fell off the bed ; (.
Miss Anything? When I woke up this weekend, the additional weight of Nugget is definitely making his prescence known. I am totally unable to complete the tasks that I want to do a.k.a if you would like to gift Nugget anything I heard he would like to have a maid come and help out his mommy.
Food cravings? Man, they are getting so bizarre. I will be laying in bed and need Doritos..the cheesy now. Then I will get up and need tomatoes followed by ice cream. It is amazing how you can have no energy, but then all of the sudden at midnight you can get up making your self an exact replica of a #4 of the Mcdonalds Breakfast Menu.
Looking forward to? Christmas!! We celebrate on Christmas Eve and Christmas day with different people. All the presents are wrapped, which wasn't very hard because we went with gift cards for most people this year, and by that I mean the 4 people we have to buy for.
We got to go out for a Christmas concert this week. Go check out the post here!