Monday, December 3, 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks

Weight Gain? Down 1lb to 24lbs.  I think this is because work has picked up and I am constantly running up and down stairs to show apartments.  I know it is good for me, but man does it make me useless at the end of the day.

How big is Nugget?  Nugget is about the size of rutabaga, so they say.  I think he is more the size of the first toy we bought him, this super cute airplane. He also is opening his eyes this week!  How exciting!!

We got a new camera this week and we are still learning.  The point and shoot was much easier.

Maternity Clothes?  I am at a weird point.  I think I have about 12 weeks left.  Twelve weeks doesn't seem very long to wear any amount of clothes.  I know I want to get a nice (probably expensive) dress for my shower, but other than that I am thinking I may be able to make due with what I have.  Plus, buying baby clothes is way more fun!

Best moment this week?  My mother got the hot tub that she has been waiting for, for about 18 years.  This was great because since I do not have a bath tub I was finally about to sit in a pool of water.  It was beyond relieving.

Miss Anything?  I am waiting for the nesting thing to start because I could probably care less about my house.  Any takers for being a free maid for a tired pregnant lady?

Food Cravings?  I wanted chinese food and waffles so bad this week.  Together, not seperate.  Dufda told me he could make me a peanut butter sandwhich and that would be all.  It was 11 o' clock at night and I was pretty specific when I asked for Chinese food from Tong's in Oakland.  They most likely were not open at that hour.  

Movement?  He is so active.  Last night at about 3 am he was going nuts in there.  I could have been dreaming, though I am not very sure.

Anything making you queasy or sick?  I am still unable to take my prenatal vitamins, which makes me feel sort of bad, but not really.  I am all around just feeling off.

Looking forward to?  Seeing our little baby.  I think about him all the time and just can't believe he will be here in a a few short months!

Dufda quote of the week:  While getting ready to go to the hospital tour: " Make sure you find my wedding ring so it doesn't look like I knocked you out."  I would have a black eye if you knocked me out, not a diamond ring hehe.  

We went on our hospital tour this weekend and I was very disappointed.  Although we will only be going there in the event of a necessary transfer, I could not believe the policies instated by the hospital.  I am giving birth to my baby.  A baby I will take home and be responsible for until it can handle itself.  Why in the world would I not be able to walk through the halls while holding my baby?  They tell us it is dangerous.  What is dangerous is continuing these absurd practices and never improving maternity care in the U.S.  The hospital was dated and not nearly as inviting as The Midwife Center.  The lady who gave the tour was a older women and very much had an older mindset.  She kept saying that everything was for the baby, but they some how forget that it is essential for baby to be with their mother, not with nurses.  Why must the nurse clean off my baby?  Why can the baby not be given directly to my husband or I?  Why do you have to remove the baby every night at midnight to weigh them?  Why does my newborn child need to be bathed right away?  And if this is required why is the mother not allowed to do it?!  This lady did not like Dufda and I.  There was one other couple during the tour that had the same mind set as we did.  I have been guided through my prenatal care through my choices, not someone elses.  My birth center is baby and mother focused and would never remove your baby, unless it is to go the emergency room for some extenuating circumstance.  If midwives, who most people think are inferior to that of doctors, can weigh and care for your baby bedside, how have doctors not figured out this practice yet?  I honestly left there feeling bad for the other pregnant women who may think that this is there only option in childbirth, which I assume was about 8/10 of the group.  They were also the ones totally side eyeing the people asking questions, because they would just accept this for what it was.


  1. We just got a new DSLR this week too! I have to watch the DVDs that came with it and hopefully that will help figure out all the cool features. My little girl has been so active lately too. It's so fun feeling her move.

    I'm sorry the hospital tour didn't go so great. I'm sort of dreading mine because I will be delivering in the hospital (no birth centers near me) and I'm worried I might hate it. My OB has reassured me they are very good with natural birth and the options I'm looking for so I hope I'll get that vibe on the tour. Guess I better go get us scheduled for that!

  2. You are such a fab little pregnant lady! Sorry you didn't have a great experience at the hospital. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and you won't be back there again!

  3. I'm sure you can make due with what you have. I had barely any maternity clothes with Mason!

  4. Hi Samantha -
    First let me say Congratulations on your little one! I started reading your blog when I was pregnant but stopped because my baby girl keeps me on my toes at all times. I'm sorry your hospital tour did not go well and I'm happy for you that you've researched and chosen the midwife center. Finding what works for you is most important as a mother. However, accusing other mothers of being ill-informed because they chose a hospital setting concerns me. I gave birth at Mercy and I had an absolutely wonderful experience. I would do it again in a heartbeat. The labor and delivery staff cared for me like a daughter and were just fabulous. The facility was clean/modern and I liked that where they cleaned off the baby was in my eyesight. I also had a fabulous nursing staff in recovery and I was allowed to keep my baby in my room as long as I wanted, except for weighings and pediatrician visits, which does not bother me as it is all necessary. So, I would advise you to do what you feel is best, but don't assume it's the best option for everyone.
    I would also remind you that things don't always go as you planned. My water broke 2 weeks before my due date. I was ready. I was going to have a natural birth and everything will be perfect. Well, contractions did not start after my water broke so they put me on pitossin - surprise number 1. Labor for me was painful. So painful that I ended up getting an epidural after 5 hours in labor - which also surprised me because I have a high tolerance for pain. None of the nurses pushed me to get meds. They were supportive. That's surprise #2. After being in labor all day, my baby had not dropped. They ordered a c-section. I had heard that c-sections were ordered all too often and was all ready to tell them no - but my baby wasn't coming out. I absolulety needed one - surprise number 3. Turns out my baby's head came down crooked and there was no way a natural birth would have been possible. Between the labor and c-section, I had been in labor 15 hours. I had planned on not allowing them to take my baby to the nursery. I was convulsing so bad from the meds and I was so off that I agreed for them to take her to the nursery for one night.

    I'm not saying any of this will happen to you. I am saying that you shouldn't judge others for making different choices than you and you should always anticipate things not going exactly how you planned. I would do another hospital birth anytime. I am well-informed. Good luck in the rest of your pregnancy and Congrats!
