Thursday, August 8, 2013

Zipadee-Zip Review

Disclosure: I received the Zipadee-Zip in exchange for a honest review.  All opinions are 100% my own.

Oh, the swaddle.  Right now the swaddle is my enemy.  Ask my child...the swaddle in his best friend.  The issue with having a very large 5 month old who likes to be swaddled is that most do not even fit him anymore.  The ones that do are easily broken out of but honestly we have to get rid of the swaddle anyway.  My child, like very many, has gone through the horrid 4-month sleep regression.  This is also the time that I am needing to undo the swaddle the habit.    I found the Zipadee-Zip on Facebook and thought I would give it a try.  

When you first pull it out of the package you will question whether or not it is a a flying squirrel Halloween'll get past that.  We put it on as soon as I was able to get it out of the wash.  It was for his last nap of the night.

He is smiling...IN HIS SLEEP.  Can you tell he likes it.  He actually stayed asleep right through his bedtime.  You are probably saying to yourself, "That looks like a sleep sack."  What keeps my baby up and probably yours is the Moro reflex, which is when they flail their arms out of no where and jolt themselves awake.  My baby's startle reflex is very strong and most likely why we are still transitioning from the swaddle.  The Zipadee-Zip has a bit of resistance in the wing span that dampers the startle reflex, while allowing the baby to safely roll and turn in his sleep.  Your baby will not outgrow the startle reflex until 6 months of age, so it is best to transition slowly and know that it may not happen on the first night.  It definitely hasn't for us.

Not only is this a great transitional tool, but they are pretty awesome pjs as well.  We all know that the current guidelines call for nothing extra in the crib, including no blankets.  You do not have to worry about your baby getting cold since the Zipadee-Zip is completely enclosed.  It is also much easier than footed pj's or anything that comes with snaps.  They also come in some of the cutest prints I have seen!  Nugget is sporting the Lil' Dinos here.  He is in a size small and weighs about 16lbs and is 28 inches long.

I know a lot of people may notice that the hands are enclosed so that their baby would not be able to self soothe by thumb sucking.  I will tell you that my baby still sucks on his hands through the Zipadee-Zip and does not mind it at all.  

Although we still have to revert back to the swaddle on some nights, the Zipadee-Zip is our go to pajamas for nap time and will soon become part of the every night bedtime routine.  Want to pick up a Zipadee-Zip of your own?  You can use the coupon code SLEEP for $2 off one Zipadee-Zip.  We will also be giving one away for My Jordanian Nugget's 1 Year Anniversary, so check back for the giveaway!

My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!

Disclosure: I received the Zipadee-Zip in exchange for a honest review.  All opinions are 100% my own.



  1. Love the pics! We need one of these!

  2. I just bought one of these within the last week! Once my son started rolling we had to stop swaddling him, and he slept terribly. I got a zipadee-zip and he's slept through the night for two nights in a row! Best baby product ever.

  3. We swaddled for 4 months. This is so different looking!

  4. Can't wait to have my little one so that I can swaddle her. I hope she likes it!!!

  5. I plan to swaddle until my LO is able to roll! Such cute pictures:)

  6. I only swaddled for about 2 months but that's because my little kinda slept in a starfish shape lol

  7. We swaddled for about 5 months...until he started breaking free.

  8. We swaddled until she was 4 months..things haven't been the same since...

  9. We swaddled until about 15 or 16 weeks

  10. We didn't swaddle long b/c none of my babies were big fans.

  11. we swaddled for about a week or two. it never lasted.

  12. We swaddled until 5 months

  13. we swaddled for one week at night's until little dude realized having his arms free was more fun and would scream until we figured it out :( HE does still love being wrapped up and when we go out though at 10 weeks

  14. Since I'm adopting my 3 yr old daughter I can't really answer this question except to say that I don't think she was swaddled much, if at all outside of the hospital, her birth mom was not the nurturing, motherly type, lets put it that way.

  15. I swaddled for the first 5 months I think. My other babies didn't seem to need it but it helped my current baby a lot.

  16. My first was swaddled for about 4 months, my second only about 3 months, if that

  17. Swaddled for just over 4 months, still in a sleep sack at 6 months!

  18. I would plan to swaddle for a couple months, or as long as it helps baby to sleep.

  19. We swaddled each one differently but about five months for all. But I like this so much more, ebcause you don't have to worry if they move around, less time worrying and more sleep more the parents.

  20. just the first couple of week. she hated it.

  21. Swaddle did not last long for us. I could never do it and both kids were done with it by 2 weeks old.

  22. I'm usually just a hospital swaddler because I can never get the blanket as tight as the nurses! This would be helpful for someone like me, you'd think I'd have had it down by at least #3 haha

  23. I'm pregnant with my first I've never swaddled a baby! Can't wait to try it out though!

  24. swaddled youngest until he was about 5 months old. my oldest kicked swaddles and blankets off from the day she was born so she didn't swaddle for long!

  25. I don't really know as it's my great nephew :)

  26. i only had rec. blankets and was a terrible swaddler - only lasted a few weeks

  27. I still swaddle little one (he's 4 months). It calms him down for anything. Fighting sleep to teething,

  28. I plan on trying to swaddle once she is born

  29. Until they were able to break free of the swaddle, lol.

  30. As long as I could...they loved it...and they looked so adorable.

  31. We swaddled for about 3 months. Until they became escape ninjas :)

  32. We swaddled till almost 5 months -- we were struggling to keep him in his SwaddleMe, but he wouldn't sleep unswaddled.

  33. I still swaddle him, he's 9 weeks

  34. Until she didn't want it anymore.....about 4 months.

  35. Can't wait to swaddle our new little boy!

  36. Until he managed to get out of it by himself consistently!

  37. I usually swaddle my kids for 2 months and then progressively start to let one arm out, etc until they're used to it. Kind of let them take the lead. When they start to get frustrated with swaddling, then they're done!

  38. We are still swaddling at six months.


  39. My daughter didn't like being swaddled so we didn't swaddle her at all.

  40. swaddled till 4.5 months then switched to our cotton Zippy that we love, now saving for the fleece Zippy.

  41. Thanks for the details, just ordered mine now, my guy was preemie, born at 27 weeks and he's now 8 mos actual and strong as heck! I need to transition him because he is breaking out of his swaddle pretty much every nap and at night. The cost and $9 of shipping is a little steep but if it helps get him to sleep better it will be worth it and ill buy more.
    Baby Maxwells Momma

  42. I have heard some great things about it but honestly I was super skeptical that it would even work. I finally gave in and bought one after seeing them on Shark tank. I put my LO in it the first night and she slept 12 hours straight! So crazy! I guess the resistance in the arm span is what gives her the feeling of being swaddled and soothes her startle reflex but the star shape gives her the ability to push up and roll over. She couldn't safely roll in the swaddle and when she'd break free, I'd find the loose fabric over her face which terrified me! The Zipadee-Zip ( is where I found it) gave her the security to be able to sleep swaddle free which means I SLEPT TOO!!! Thank goodness for this thing!

  43. The Zipadee-Zip is simply phenomenal. Thanks for posting your review. I too have found much success with this particular type of swaddle transition blanket. Truth is we had a nightmare navigating through the swaddle transition journey. The Zipadee-Zip is the only thing that worked for us :)

  44. We swaddled our son until 4 months old. We tried going cold turkey of the swaddle but that created way too many sleep less nights. I am so grateful that we finally decided to use the Zipadee-Zip. It not only allowed my son to sleep through the night, but it gave us more sleep to :)

  45. We are using the Zipadee-zip. Super happy with it! Not confining, they can move around safely and it gives a little extra warmth. I totally agree with all of the positive reviews. Get one today!

  46. The pictures of these kids in the Zipadee-Zip are so adorable!

  47. My son is almost four months and keeps busting out of his swaddle. We are approaching the third night of him crying through the night. This review has convinced me to buy two Zipadee-Zip . I have heard that the swaddle transition blankets really work. Let's see what happens! They also have the flying squirrel PJ and the trend teethers. Love all that they do!

  48. I am another fan of the zipadee-zip. I swaddled my son for a bit, before I heard of the zipadee, and I have to tell you that I wish I had started using it from the beggining. My son started sleeping longer when I switched to the zipadee-zip, which meant more sleep for me too! I think it's a must-have for sure!
