Tuesday, August 6, 2013

WubbaNub Review and Giveaway!

Disclosure:  I was provided with this product in exchange for a review.  The opinions are 100% my own.

I was one of THOSE mothers.  I wasn't going to give my child a pacifier...no, not me.  Dufda always would say that he couldn't wait for the moment that he gave his baby a pacifier.  I never had this yearning.  Two days after birth I realized that I needed a pacifier in my life since my baby was using me as his.  We had a couple of pacis on hand that we had picked up at the store prior to bringing Nugget home.  They worked o.k but my eager sucker kept flying them across the room, down the hall, I am sure he could have propelled that thing straight out the window while I  was driving down the road.  Pacifiers grew wings when inserted into my babies mouth.  With the wings they also had this magical ability to be flown places that were a point of no return.  Where did all the pacifiers go?  At this rate I would have to buy stock in pacis to keep the family sane.

Then we found The Wub.  The what?  The Wub!  Once you go Wub, you never go back.  I remember showing Dufda the WubbaNub on Amazon and him not really getting the concept.  It took a couple of days but in one of my late night Amazon Prime ordering fest (You know you do it too), The Wub made it into the cart.  Nugget's first Wub was Mr. Froggy.  He was life changing.  Nugget could not fling Mr. Froggy across the house, he couldn't even propel him out of his mouth.  Mr. Froggy became very well known in our house.  Before we go anywhere we need to track down Mr. Froggy and keep her whereabouts known at all times of the trip.  Anytime Nugget is crying...it is usually because he misses Mr. Froggy.  To illustrate just how much we love The Wub I thought I would put together the likings of a children book titled:

The Adventures of Mr. Froggy and Nugget

The secret to this magical paci is the weight behind the pacifer keeps it in the babies mouth longer.  It is also a great lovely.  Sometimes I find Nugget chomping on Mr. Froggy's bum and I think it is really funny.  One of the other benefits:  How many of you have chased a bouncing paci through the mall or down the street?  You no longer have to do that with The Wub.  It falls and stays put!  When Mr. Froggy gets dirty, I just pop him in the wash and let him air dry and we are good to go.

Do you think you need some Wub in your life?  Go check out their website to see all the different WubbaNub friends you can get!  Leave a comment below with which one is your favorite.  You can also "Like" them on Facebook to stay up to date on all the WubbaNub news!  

If you haven't heard...My Jordanian Nugget is turning 1 this week!  I have paired with Wubbanub to get this must have baby item in your house.  My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!
Disclosure:  I was provided with this product in exchange for a review.  The opinions are 100% my own.


  1. Aw what sweet pictures of him with his froggy wubbanub! :)

    I went to their site and my favorite is the Little Lamb wubbanub! How precious. I'm expecting my first baby (girl!) this fall, thanks for the opportunity.


  2. My daughter's favorite thing in the whole world is her "Wubs" as we call them in our house. We have 5 (dinosaur, lamb, giraffe, monkey and the lion), but her favorite is the Baby Giraffe. I think she would love to have the elephant.

  3. Lenna's favorite toy is her wubbanub now that she's teething (she wasn't the hugest fan before). She not only sucks on it, but bits the sides, and the ears, legs, and tail of her kitty. She would love to have the baby giraffe!

  4. My daughter loved hers. She had a kitty one. When she was about a year old, I used a seam ripper and I removed the paci and sewed up the mouth where it was, and she still has her kitty. She's three, and she still loves it!

  5. The giraffe wubby is definitely the cutest :)

  6. I love the little lamb wubbanub!

  7. I've seen these in groups I'm a part of. I've often wondered what exactly they are. When my baby boy comes in January, I hope he has the giraffe. That one's my favorite.

  8. I think baby giraffe is my personal favorite:)

  9. The monkey or we call it "monk"

  10. I love the little lamb and the frog :)

  11. My son loves the blue bear. We want the kitty one.

  12. I love the red dog one, it just reminds me of Clifford! I'm expecting my first in November and these reviews have really really helped so thanks!



  13. we love the lamb one for our sweet little girl. or the pink elephant

  14. We have a longhorn one, and my son even likes to chew on the horns.

  15. love the monkey one, adorable

  16. Its hard to pick just one favorite but I think my favorite one is giraffe, plus it matches my diaper bag :)

  17. I LOVE yellow duck...but all the babies I've ever bought for love little lamb.

  18. The best wubs is clearly the giraffe!!

  19. Tough choice, I like the puppy and kitten.

  20. Frog and Giraffe are just too cute. Your baby and Mr Frog are just adorable.

  21. Your baby is so cute and so is his froggy. I really like the giraffe and frog they are both super cute

  22. We have the giraffe from when my 2 yo was a baby. Now I'm lucky if he lets my 6 month keep it for more than a minute!

  23. I love the pink kitty :) Out of my 3 I only had 1 who took a pacifier, we'll see with #4!

  24. I love the giraffe one! So cute!!

  25. we love the giraffe one! we are giraffe and sports people lol!

  26. I love the puppy and giraffe!!

  27. I like the puppy and the giraffe.

  28. Hard to choose, but I'm going to go with the Lion!

  29. I love the red dog it is just too cute

  30. I like the giraffe, but they are all cute! :)

  31. love love the double stroller for twins i am buying the red one

  32. My favorite is the Lamb WubbaNub.

