Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Daddy Scrubs Review!

I know that when I was thinking about my birth silly it may be...I thought about what I would wear during birth.  I always assumed that I would wear a hospital gown because that is what I saw everyone else wearing.  Little did I know that now people were wearing much more comfortable birthing gowns.  I was lucky enough to have my aunt make me two that I would wear when I gave birth.  Now if I am going to have an awesome outfit, why shouldn't the new daddy have one too!

Daddy Scrubs provides new dads with a great ensemble to wear on that special day.  Their signature Daddy Scrubs come in different colors and style and are very comfortable to spend long hours in waiting for the arrival of baby.  Sure, beats plain old hospital scrubs...right?!

We did not get to use Daddy Scrubs during the arrival of Nugget, but I assure you that after baby comes you do not need to put these away.  First, they are very comfortable.  Daddy will want to wear them to lounge in far after your family has come home.  Second, what better outfit for a post partum mom than some oversize pjs.  I love hanging out in these, even though every time I put them on Dufda says that I stole them from him and he will never get to wear them.  Lastly, they will last through multiple births.  I have washed them several times already and they look as good as new.

Here is another thought...We shower new moms with gifts, but what about daddy to be gifts?  How nice would it be for pregnant mama to come home from her shower and give the expectant father a gift, or just skip that step and make the new dad feel special and send these his way.

Daddy Scrubs does not just offer scrubs to wear in the hospital or birth center, but also lots of other items that any new dad would love to have.  Seriously, how cute is this matching set for Dad and baby.
So whether you are buying a gift for someone else or packing your own hospital bag...Daddy Scrubs has something that can fit your need for birth and after.  

Stay connected with Daddy Scrubs on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Youtube, and Instagram by searching DaddyScrubs!

Wanna buy Daddy Scrubs?  Use the coupon code BLOG13 to get 10% off your purchase!  

My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!


  1. I have no idea what hubby will decide to wear when we have our first, but I'm hoping to buy a nice comfy maternity gown to wear!

  2. I ended up in just a hospital gown the first time because I was rushed in for an emergency c-section. This time I'm hoping to find a really comfortable maternity gown/lounger with easy access for nursing.

  3. I'm expecting our first in December, and hoe to stay comfy in a relatively good-looking but super-comfy hospital gown!

  4. I wore a hospital gown to deliver and I'm glad I did. I labored in a loose night gown, and I'm not exactly sure how I ended up wearing the hospital gown...

  5. I wore a regular old hospital gown all 3 times.

  6. during birth, I wore a tank top and a pair of underwear and once I got i nthe birth pool I kept my tank top on and took off my underwear.

  7. i ended up naked for most of it lol! although i wish i knew about daddy scrubs earlier... so cute

  8. Regular old hospital gown and hospital socks.

  9. ended up in a hospital gown and those oh so fashionable booties thanks to an emergency c section

  10. I'm hoping for a comfy t-shirt or comfy sports bra in a home birth.

  11. I had an emergency c section, so the last thing I remember is what i was wearing lol

  12. I've been wanting a nice hospital gown since my third and I never got one. I had baby # 6 last year. I wore a plain ol' hospital gown for every planned hospital birth.

  13. I think I would prefer a good soft cushy bra...probably a nursing bra I purchase before hand and then some comfortable sweats or knit shorts till I get in the birthing tub. Then nothing...

  14. I wore my sports bra, socks, and a hospital gown. I was freezing, so hubs piled hot towels on me, too, what a good guy!

  15. I wore my own comfy pants and a tank. Hubby wore jeans and a tshirt.

  16. I just wore the hospital gown because I didn't want to get anything else messed up! It was not so comfortable during recovery though, so I just switched to my regular clothes :)

  17. I wore the ugly uncomfortable hospital gowns

  18. I brought comfy PJ pants and my nursing tanks. I couldn't stand the hospital gowns. I think my husband wore jeans and tee shirt both times (his standard uniform).

  19. When the next go around comes, I hope to wear a cute gown and then some cozy cotton PJ's! I like being in my own clothes.

  20. I've always had a hospital gown. I was looking though pictures the other day and noticed that my husband wore the SAME shirt for our first and our second. I don't think he even noticed ;)

  21. I'm sure I'll just end up wearing the hospital gown, but it would be really great to have my own cute one!

  22. My niece just wore the hospital gown and the dad was in hospital gown and mask :)

  23. at my last birth, by the time i actually gave birth... only wore a bra ;)

  24. I just wore the gown they gave me.

  25. PJ's into the hospital but then they gave me those 'crazy-to-control' gowns.

  26. I wore the gown they gave me for both my births. This time I will wear it again. I usually change a little after giving birth into more comfy pajamas. I still havent purchased those yet.

  27. I didn't even know that birthing gowns were a thing until I started reading blogs so I might shop around for a nice one. I love the Daddy Scrubs though!

  28. I wore regular hospital gowns and then after baby is born, shower and change into comfortable pajamas. I just recently found out about Daddy Scrubs.

  29. hospital gown....bleh!

  30. Hoping to wear a nightgown, but also plan on being in the tub if possible.

  31. Dumb c/sec - hospital gown of course. But found some comfy nursing jammies for my days spent there - worth every penny - still using them @ 2 months!

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  33. I ended up wearing a hospital gown.


  34. A hospital gown, which was good because I ended up hemorrhaging.

  35. i would hope to be wearing one of those custome gowns like a nice black one with a cute design

  36. I want to buy a cute gown for once baby is here but I will save my money and deliver in the hospital issued one

  37. hospital gown and hubby wore scrubs.

  38. I love the dress! It is very true that it is huge at the bust, and that is saying something as I am a D cup. Though it will need alterations to adjust for my body dimensions.

  39. I added a small piece of lace fabric in the center to cover my bustier which meant I did not need to pay to have the dress altered at all. I was very pleased with my new dress!
