Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Nuby Jiggle Giggle Review

Disclosure: I am a Nuby Mommy Blogger.  I work with Nuby to review their products.  I have received the Nuby Jiggle Giggle in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

Teeth.  They aren't fun...not for mom...not for dad...and certainly not for baby.  I remember being so excited when Nugget first showed interest in a toy.  I wanted my baby to chew and play with something so bad!  Now the excitement has come and I need to fulfill his need to chew on everything with fun and enjoyable teethers.  What I look for in a teether:  Little hands must be able to grab it and I would like for it to do something cool as well as provide relief from teething pain.

The Nuby Jiggle Giggle is a vibrating teether.  When I first handed it to Nugget, he did not know this.  The look on his face when he found out was priceless.  One side vibrates and the other contain purICE gel that can be cooled to provide relief to your baby's gums.   It took him awhile to know what kind of pressure needed to be added to make it move, but now he knows exactly what to do.  After about a day of use, I think this can be put in as a favorite of ours.  It is actually the only thing, so far, that when he drops he cries.

The Nuby Jiggle Giggle is available for purchase at, and Blain's Farm & Fleet.  

My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!

When did your baby get their first tooth?

Disclosure: I am a Nuby Mommy Blogger.  I work with Nuby to review their products.  I have received the Nuby Jiggle Giggle in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.


  1. I don't have a teething baby yet but I plan to exclusively breastfeed for awhile so I hope she doesn't get teeth too soon!

  2. 5 mo 2 weeks.. Got both bottoms still bfing

  3. Hmm, I don't remember. About six months maybe? That was with my current baby. I have no idea when my four other earth babies got

  4. Still waiting for the first tooth at 8 months. I keep thinking it's coming!

  5. Still waiting for first tooth, although I feel like she's been teething for 3 months!

  6. Right around 6-7 months for both of my boys.

  7. My firstborn, 4 y.o. got his first tooth a 5 months, and my new DS is teething at 3 months! So, we're waiting for our first tooth.

  8. my newest baby girl got her first 2 teeth at 3 months. She is 10 months w 10 teeth now!

  9. No teeth yet and he's 9 months and 1 week!

  10. no teeth yet, only 11 weeks but am told daddy and I both started early

  11. I kind of envy the moms who can instantly answer the question. I'm adopting my 3yr old daughter and I wish I knew when exactly she got her first tooth. I do have some baby pictures of her so I want to say she got her first tooth sometime after she was 6 months old, or right around 6 months old give or take.

  12. My son got his first tooth around 6 months, my daughter who is 6 months now, hasn't had one pop out just yet, but we are definitely teething!

  13. 6 months and no teeth yet...but I'm nervous!

  14. We haven't got to that point yet... baby needs to arrive first!

  15. My older child was at least 6-7 baby is 5 months + 1 week and a chewing, drooling machine! I might have to get one of these cool vibrating teethers, give his Sophie a break :)

  16. My son at 5 months, my oldest daughter at 4 months, my other daughter at 7 months

  17. My oldest got his first 4 teeth at 9 months. They all came in at the same time (top and bottom center) - it was miserable. My 6 mo old is working on them now.

  18. Believe it or not, all THREE of mine had their first tooth when they were 8 months :) We'll see what happens with baby #4!

  19. I'm pregnant with my first baby---so no teeth losing yet! lol.

  20. My youngest was 2 months old when he got his two front bottom teeth at the same time!

  21. My great nephew is just now teething; the dentist said she could feel one bottom front tooth coming in :) He is 6 months :)

  22. My 14 month old just got his first tooth last month!

  23. Little one hasn't gotten any yet, but it's close. He's always in pain and we go through a lot of teethers right now.

  24. she is 5 months, so nothing yet

  25. 5 months. and at 6 1/2 he has 6 teeth!!!

    I've had some severe memory issues, years wiped out and each day is almost like a new one - sadly, I can't recall much of my children's baby stages (and they weren't that long ago), but I think my daughter's was around 5 1/2 mths. Thanks for this one.

  27. He was around 6 months when he started getting his first teeth -- between his 6 month checkup and his 9 month checkup, he went from 0 teeth to 6!

  28. No teeth yet! He's 9 weeks old.

  29. No teeth yet... I hope! We are still expecting ;-)

  30. No teeth yet on my 2 month old tee hee! My 1st child got 4 teeth in 6 weeks from 6-7 month. Needless to say - not our favorite 6 weeks!

  31. My son is just now getting his bottom teeth and he is 6 months.


  32. my youngest got their first tooth at like 5 months i beleive

  33. My oldest babies got there first teeth at 8 months. My 6 month old is still happy and toothless.
