Monday, August 12, 2013

Preggie Pops Review

Disclosure: I recieved this product in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own.

You are probably thinking...I thought this was a birth to 6 months favorite, what are Preggie Pops doing on the list.  Or actually you probably had no idea and didn't think that it was wierd.  Why I chose Preggie Pops is because they are just really good.  They really really helped me during my pregnancy...the whole nine months that I was sick, and they were the first person who agreed to do a review and giveaway when I started my blog.  A year ago, I didn't bring them much advertising so I thought I would offer for them to be part of the One Year Anniversary Giveaway to pay them back.

Preggie Pops aren't just for pregnancy, though.  I keep them in my diaper bag pretty much all the time.  The Preggie Pop Drops Plus contain Vitamin B6 which gives you a nice little boost.  I also think they are great to suck on during labor.  When I started to transition I was so sick to my stomach that I needed something to wet my mouth.

I used Preggie Pops injunction with Zofran to curb my nausea during pregnancy.  Pop one in and you instantly feel better.  The flavors are great too.  If I didn't have a handful of these in my purse I would have gotten much more sick than I did.  Preggie Pops are effective due to the blend of essential oils, aromatherapy and the delivery method.

You can pick up Preggie Pop drops here, or you can win them as part of our One Year Anniversary Giveaway!

My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!

Did you have morning sickness?  What did you do to take care of it?


  1. Out of my three pregnancies (on pregnancy #3 now!) I only had morning sickness with my second! Preggie Pop drops and ginger ale were the only things that helped!

  2. These things are awesome, they really help! I was addicted to them from week 6 or 7 to week 12 of my pregnancy.

  3. I was very lucky that I didn't have morning sickness but I will keep them in mind for the next baby!

  4. I was really lucky and didn't have much morning sickness.

  5. I'm not pregnant yet but one thing I plan to use to reduce morning sickness are those anti-nausea bracelets!

  6. When I was pregnant with my son, I was sick most of the way through. The only things that really helped were ginger ale and soda crackers. So far with this pregnancy, I was fortunate to only be sick through the month of May for the most part. I used lots of fresh air, ginger ale and soda crackers to get me through it. I tried lemon candies but they seemed to make me sick worse. Wish I could've tried these!

  7. I was horribly sick my first trimester. I had to take Rx anti-nausea meds. Preggie Pops and ginger chews helped.

  8. I was pretty sick the whole first trimester, luckily it mostly ended towards the middle of my second. But I LIVED on Sprite and Ginger Ale

  9. I was one of the lucky few and only had morning sickness the first 2 weeks or so, and it wasn't even that bad!

  10. Horribly sick until about 23 weeks. I tried everything from teas, essential oils, preggie pops, ginger ale, and doctor's meds- nothing really worked, but the baby is so worth it!

  11. I had morning sickness worse with my boys than my daughter, but I used preggo pops, ginger ale, crystalized ginger (to suck on), and a B6/unisom combination in the evenings. The ginger was great.

  12. I had morning sickness with my last born (3 mnth old) and I drank ginger ale, and high protein snacks. Unfortunately, it made it slightly better but it didn't make it go away.

  13. preggie pops did help for a minute or two at a time but I had a bad condition w my second that nothing could help. and thats why i probably wont have another ;(

  14. Thank goodness I didn't have morning sickness to contend with!

  15. i had terrible morning sickness and tried everything but only things that worked were banning certain foods from the house and these candies but we didn't find them until 5 months along :)

  16. I'm adopting so no morning sickness for me, but I feel so bad for my women like my cousin who had severe morning sickness all 40 weeks of her pregnancy. But her baby girl was born healthy! :)

  17. Crackers!!! Lots and lots of crackers! Not that it helped too much. lol

  18. Ooh! I've only ever heard of the regular Preggie Pops. I'd wish I'd had these with my last pregnancy. I had morning sickness all day every day until about 7 months. I just tried to be grateful I hadn't had much with my other 5 I used preggie pops, tic tacs, rescue remedy pastilles... I couldn't eat crackers while at work. Those might have worked better.

  19. I used preggie pops and loved them! I also loved my a/c because we had a couple 100+ degree days!

  20. I had a little nausea in the mornings, but it wasn't bad as long as I ate as soon as I got up.

  21. I wore SeaBands for the first 15 weeks.

  22. None with my first, but a ton of nausea with my second. I used Sea Bands and had to make sure I was eating small snacks constantly so I didn't get too hungry.

  23. I'm 32 weeks and sick every day unless I take my Zofran. Even with Zofran I still have about 2 sick mornings a week. Thankfully I wasn't sick with my first 3, and my oldest is 6 so he's amazing with helping his sisters while I'm occupied in the bathroom.

  24. I never threw up, but I felt sick 24/7 until about 18 weeks pregnant. I tried to drink a lot of fluid and eat. I also sucked on hard candy.

  25. all it and eat small meal

  26. I don't remember my niece having morning sickness at all. She was pretty comfortable during pregnancy as it was her second child. :)

  27. used preggy pops! also be sure to keep something small in my stomach and don't drink too much at once without food.

  28. I did have morning sickness, well more like I felt nauseous all the time. I actually used Preggie Pops and I LOVED them!

  29. Terrible pregnancies, morning sickness and fainting spells (blackouts) throughout the full terms of both pregnancies - very inconvenient - I had to relieve my Driver's License!!
    PS - I don't recall anything helping much. But I ended up having to go off work both times, so that made it a lot easier.

  30. I was lucky all three times. No morning sickness :)

  31. Yes, especially the first trimester. Cinnamon candies helped, as did making sure I got enough sleep and kept some carbs in my tummy. But I couldn't cook for most of the first trimester, as raw meat would make me sick for sure -- hubby had to take over!

  32. I did with all pregnancies. Before I got out of bed I had saltines, oatmeal square cereal, and water by my bed that I would snack on. For me if I ate just a little before I got out of bed it would ease the nausea.

  33. No morning sickness thankfully!

  34. I mainly just ate small meals. I have been sick throughout my pregnancy so the regular home remedies (lemon, ginger, peppermint) don't really work for me anymore. Luckily I am also on Zofran.

  35. 3 kids. Nausea with all. Liked to suck on sour things. Mostly just had it in the morning and night when I got up to the bathroom. Didn't think Zofran really did any thing and didn't like the side effects. The smell of peppermint oil definitely helps!

  36. I had 4 babies and was very fortunate not to have any morning sickness with all of them!

  37. I had four months of morning sickness with my son.
    And tried eating Saltines but even keep them down.

    But fortunately had no morning sickness with the others.


  38. i did have mourning sickness for all three preganancys and i was given this minty disolving tablet fromthe doc to relieve the nausea

  39. I didnt have much morning sickness but every once and awhile I would put seabands on
