Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Bamboobies Review

Disclosure: I have received this product in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own.

After you have a baby you are literally leaking out of everywhere.  The new one to most of us is leaking out of your boobies.  I remember when I first brought Nugget home, I was so frustrated that I couldn't figure out what to wear to sleep because I would be soaking wet when I woke up.  We went to the store and I bought a box of disposable nursing pads...then I bought another box...and another box.  I thought to myself, If I am using cloth diapers on my baby's bum, why I am not using cloth for myself?  I had heard really great things about Bamboobies and was just waiting to give them a try.  The breaking point was when I was packing to go on a vacation to Jordan for 2 weeks.  How many nursing pads would I need?  The thought of bringing boxes and boxes with me drove me to the store to get some Bamboobies.

When I examined their style of breast pad, I was sure that it wouldn't contain the geyser my boobs had become.  I gave it a try anyway, but still packed some disposables...just in case.  Not only did they contain the leaks for a 14 hour flight, they were perfect to pack since we were line drying everything in Jordan.  They dried very quickly and didn't take up much space.

After you open up your new pack of Bamboobies, throw them right in the washer and dryer.  They come out sooo soft.  The heart shape are made for day time use and the circles are for night time.  Let's start with the day timers first.

Their day time nursing pad is made of three layers.  The layer that is closest to your skin is a combination of cotton and organic bamboo, next is where the milk is absorb and that is made out of cotton and hemp, then the layer that keeps you dry it the outer layer.  The pads are cut into a heart shape to give you a clean look under your clothes.  I prefer to wear mine with the point up, but you can put them in any way you like.

The overnight pads have the same make up, but have more layers to absorb.  They are equally as comfortable and I am still able to wear them during the day if I have to.

In addition to the light pink, you are able to get them in black and hot pink.  Just like black underwear, black nursing pads are about as sexy as nursing pads come so I put these in when I am feeling fancy.  I would say in all I have about 12 pair of day time and 6 pair of night time.  I keep back up in my purse and car in case of emergencies and change them out when wet.  Once you go to Bamboobies you won't go back to your disposables.  

You are able to buy Bamboobies here!  Use coupon code MJN20 for 20% of your purchase!  My Jordanian Nugget will also being giving away a $25.00 store credit!

My complete list of must haves and a chance to win some is right here!

Tell us your favorite thing about breastfeeding!

Disclosure: I have recieved this product in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own.


  1. These are my absolute FAVORITE nursing pads!! Like you, I am quite leaky and these almost always do the trick for me. I've noticed I can leak a little if I don't have them positioned right but 90% of the time, I am totally leak free.

  2. Wow, I like how they have different versions for night and day. Smart idea!

  3. What a great idea to have different ones for night and day!

  4. This looks like another MUST have!!! I will have to buy some.

  5. I don't have a baby to breastfeed yet but I think my favorite thing will be the convenience! I've heard great things about this brand of nursing pads:)

  6. Love the closeness of bfing.. So great!

  7. I love the closeness. Now that my baby is older, it's the only snuggle time I get.

  8. Snuggling and just admiring my sweet baby

  9. I actually love the 5am feeding time. We snuggle so close and he eats so well.

  10. My favorite thing about breast feeding was the bonding one on one time.

  11. my favorite hing about breastfeeding is looking down at my nursling while he smiles and nurses, and quiet time alone, and morning snuggles without being rushed before his big brother comes into bed.

  12. I like this, I will to buy one's.

  13. Being so close and knowing no one else has a connection to my baby like me was the best.

  14. I like the bonding time and knowing that he's getting important nutrients and building his immunity.

  15. when he snuggles in and makes eye contact!

  16. We're adopting our 3 yr old so obviously I'm not and can't breastfeed, but its definitely my first choice for when our next baby comes along (if we don't adopt again--in which case I'd try to find a breast milk donor), because of all the health benefits for the baby and bonding with mommy. Plus I've heard it helps mommy shed the baby weight faster :)

  17. I agree with Dominique. Bonding and the free factor.

  18. I love that nursing forces me to settle down for a few minutes, multiple times a day. My baby hates it when there are distractions lately, so it;s just "us" time

  19. I look forward to the time spent with baby.

  20. The closeness I had with my dd during those times.

  21. I love the quiet time. For me it's some time alone with the baby in a quiet place. I find it relaxing.

  22. At this point I love that it allows me to SIT for a while. Even if my older kids come sit by me or try to climb on me, at least I'm sitting down!

  23. I'm pregnant with my first, so I haven't breastfed...but I plan on doing it. I really hope I will have a great experience with it!

  24. free! healthy! easy! (okay, not easy at first... i know)

  25. Everything! But mostly the little noised little one makes while I feed him, so dang cute!

  26. Feeling that closeness - I enjoyed being able to. abrennan09@hotmail.com

  27. I love the closness you feel with your baby, and all the benefits it provides both of you.

  28. Bonding, and knowing that my baby is getting all the nutrients and antibodies they need to be healthy.

  29. So convenient, healthy and creates a great bond! Wouldn't trade it for the world!

  30. Can't wait to experience the bonding of breastfeeding!

  31. That it helps me take time and stop rushing around. Take time to spend just looking into their eyes. Either feeding method does this :) Just make sure you hold them and enjoy it!

  32. The money saving aspect and the bond no one has with my baby but me.

  33. My favorite is the closeness and bond that it creates between me and my baby.


  34. i like that it helps heal during a c-section and to get your uterus back to normal

  35. This is my first baby but I am going to say the bonding and the healthy head start i can give my child
