Weight Gain? I'm actually starting to lose weight. This little being inside of me takes up so much room that I can't eat a lot. I am down to a total weight gain of 31 lbs.
How big is Nugget? There is no picture this week because they say he is a cantelope. How can he be a cantelope, if last week he was a pineapple. So here is a bonus picture:
Best moment this week? Definitely Dufda being excited to go to birth class. He is like a sponge, he remembered everything. Now he site's random birth facts around the house and I love it!
Pregnancy Symptom of the week? My armpits hurt! Is this a pregnancy symptom, or a personal problem that I have.
Miss Anything? I would pay good money to lay on my stomach...like real good money.
Food Cravings? I really wanted stuffed cabbage this week and I was kind of counting on my mom having some frozen, but she didn't. I hear that is maybe on the menu for wednesday.
My armpits were so sore during week 35! That's so strange. I thought it was just my bra.