Saturday, February 16, 2013

35 Weeks

How many weeks?  35 weeks 

Weight Gain? I'm actually starting to lose weight.  This little being inside of me takes up so much room that I can't eat a lot.  I am down to a total weight gain of 31 lbs.

How big is Nugget?  There is no picture this week because they say he is a cantelope.  How can he be a cantelope, if last week he was a pineapple.  So here is a bonus picture:

Best moment this week? Definitely Dufda being excited to go to birth class.  He is like a sponge, he remembered everything. Now he site's random birth facts around the house and I love it!

Pregnancy Symptom of the week?  My armpits hurt!  Is this a pregnancy symptom, or a personal problem that I have.

Miss Anything?  I would pay good money to lay on my real good money.

Food Cravings?  I really wanted stuffed cabbage this week and I was kind of counting on my mom having some frozen, but she didn't.  I hear that is maybe on the menu for wednesday.

Looking forward to?  Nothing specific, but I am very scared to see what clothes will fit after I am done being pregnant.  You know I am in three weddings in the summer after the baby arrives, I have three more to attend as a guest.  Ordering a bridesmaid dress while pregnant has been super challenging.  Why would this theory make sense:  You are 8-9 months pregnant.  I want you to measure your "waist" and then we will order you one size up from that and it should work.  You know because you won't probably lose all of your baby weight.  Well, what about that big event called birth?  You know the one where a baby appears, the same baby that is making your waist the size that it is.  Yeah I am going to lose some weight.  Ugh, so we will see how those alterations go. 

1 comment:

  1. My armpits were so sore during week 35! That's so strange. I thought it was just my bra.
