Wednesday, January 23, 2013

33 Weeks

How many weeks? 33!!

Weight Gain?  34lbs, the weight gain has definitely slowed down and I am not sure how, because I feel like I am getting bigger by the moment.

How big is Nugget?  Nugget is a pineapple!  I couldn't wait to cut that this open and dip it in chocolate.
Best moment this week?  This week was pretty boring and draining I wouldn't say there was really a "best".

Wedding rings still on?  They are off completely until I deliver.  I swelled up at birth class and freaked out and have no intention of putting them back on for fear of having them get cut off.

Early Labor Signs?  None, baby is head down and ready to go through!

Pregnancy Sympton of the week?  Feet are my symptom, JAD GET YOUR FEET OUT OF MY RIBS!  My torso is so short and the baby is so long that I cannot breath.  I know it is just going to get worse, but I am only comfortable standing.

Miss Anything?  My energy has been the big one the whole time.  I am so tired, I just want to clean my house.

Food Cravings?  Chocolate...which I was told this weekend that if you eat chocolate everyday of your pregnancy you will have a happier baby...this is a true study done in Finland.

Looking Forward to?  My baby shower!! It is getting so close I can't wait to see everyone!

Dufda quote of the week?  From Birth class:  How long do you think your wife will be in Labor?  Dufda's answer....4 hours.

We started our birth classes this week.  First was breastfeeding class. I insisted that Dufda go because it looked like I was the only one without a registered partner.  Well I was wrong and there were lots of women their without their hubs.  My hubs did not enjoy the class and threatened to leave before it was over.  The next day we went to childbirth class.  Dufda actually really enjoyed this one.  He has this great knack for learning and absorbing information.  Way better than I do.  When we got home he was able to remember almost everything the instructor said, which is super beneficial because all I can remember is eat chocolate everyday and you will have a happy baby....On that note, we found a new Arab store while on our lunch break and I got myself some Kinder chocolate.  This was one of the things that I really liked over in Jordan.  They also had all these great drinks that we don't have here.  Dufda and I had fun eating and shopping there.  Then the car broke down.  Ugh, my week!

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