Thursday, January 10, 2013

32 Weeks!

How far along? 32 weeks!

Weight Gain? 33lbs

How big is Nugget?  Nugget is a Jicama.... yeah I don't know either, so we went with a loaf of bread, they looked similar.

Best moment this week?  I discovered the wonders of prenatal yoga!  Where has this been my entire pregnancy.  I was to a point of discomfort that it was yoga or a chiropractor and since I can't really deal with people touching my neck, I went for yoga and man was it a win!  I will be attending Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until this little boy makes his appearance.

Wedding rings still on?  Half on, Half off

Early Labor Signs?  I started to feel some Braxton Hicks contractions this week.

Odd Pregnancy Sympton of the week?  This section may turn into pregnant women rant of the week.  Alright, listen up people of the world.  I am pregnant, I am uncomfortable and if you intend to carry on small talk about my pregnancy here are some tips:  1.  I am 32 weeks pregnant, if you wanna listen to the doctors, I am more like 33 weeks pregnant, but who needs them anyway.  This gives me 8 weeks till that magic 40 number we are looking for, it gives me just 5 weeks till I am full term.  This means I could have a baby next month.  Stop telling me that I have so much time, one, because I need to sew curtains and I will put it off because of all this time I have and two because I don't!  People take a year to plan their damn weddings!  They take a year to plan an event that does not involve the creation of a human.  Then everyone is like, "OMG I have 176.5 days left" and people think that this is right around the corner.  You create life and 55 days is a small eternity to the entire population of America.  This is the appropriate answer:  "You are going to be holding that sweet little spawn before you know it :) hugs and kisses"  This does not leave room for you to attach on to that: "And you will never sleep again"  This bring me to #2:  If I used everyone's theory of sleep, I should walk around telling unmarried, unwilling to conceive people that they should start this amazing sleep bank that everyone speaks of that you should start while you are pregnant.  Here is my gripe... I have a human, you know the same thing that we are just smaller, inside of me.  You may not use them much, but most likely you have muscles that give you some kind of streghth.  Those muscles are attached to bones, that are pretty rigid.  That is growing under my skin, in a uterus that isn't made of steel.  Now that we have factored that in, let's think about how much you move, for those of you who are lacking in the muscle department...this may not be very much, but you still move.  Combine all of that good information with the fact that an unborn fetus only sleeps for short amounts of time and you get that PREGNANT WOMEN CAN'T SLEEP!  Stop telling them to sleep, it only reminds them that they didnt' sleep last night or the night before.  Sleep to a pregnant women is like going to bathroom (I don't mean peeing because we do that all the time) you can't remember the last time you enjoyed it.  End rant.

Miss Anything?  Not really this week, but I had a real moment where I got real nervous about not being pregnant anymore.  It's easy to be pregnant comapred to having a baby...right?  I am just guessing but I have no idea.

Food cravings?  Give me more pancakes!  Oh, this brings me to another problem I have.  When you are pregnant you automatically become the picker of all things food.  They think because pregnant women have cravings that on a dime you can choose a restaurant.  This is what it is really like:  You say, "Well you are the pregnant one, where would you like to eat?"  My mind goes like this...well I want ice cream and then maybe some tomatoes...with vinegar...But how about steak...maybe reese cups...but just two, no more...actually I think I want that isn't it....S'GHETTI STRAWS.  Do you see where I am going?  Is this what you want me to tell you 'cause then I am going to be like, "Find me a steakhouse candy shop and then we can talk, or just tell me where we are going and I will eat, because I am hungry and pregnant."

Looking forward to?  Finishing up the final touches on the nursery.  We got some book shelves this weekend and they look great.  There are just a couple more things that need to be done.

Midwife Appointment this week?  This started my every two week appointments.  Baby is head down and measuring well.  Heart rate looks good, too.  I told her I felt like I would have a baby with me at my shower and she said I would, but it would be in much for ending this a tad early.


  1. I love jicama, but I can never find it in a store. It tastes like a cross between an apple and a cucumber. Red Robin serves it with hummus.

  2. I agree about people saying "Oh you have plenty of time!" Really?! And "oh better sleep as much as you can now!" Like I'm not trying... I feel like people just don't know what else to say..

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