Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Juppy Baby Walker Review and Giveaway

Do you have an active toddler that is just learning to take their first steps?  Well then you need to check out the Juppy Baby Walker.

The Juppy Baby Walker is designed to give you the safest and most comfortable experience, while assisting your child in their first steps.  The Juppy is completely adjustable for the parent and child.
It is also equipped with padded straps for extra comfort.
The Juppy is super easy to use.  You place your child in the harness and hold the straps.  Mr. Monster is demonstrating since, Nugget is not born yet.
As you can see, you are able to have this customized to your child.  There are also several colors available.

 Head over and check out The Juppy on Facebook and Twitter for the latest on the safest baby walker!  Don't forget to enter below to win a Juppy of your own!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Citrus Lane Review

I get so excited about getting mail.  In my search for the perfect products for my baby, I found that there are literally so many out there that you could waste a ton of money trying to figure out what you like or need.  In that research I also came across a couple subscription services that send you out products monthly for a small monthly price.  One of these is Citrus Lane

Citrus lane was started by a first time mom that was just as confused as we all are about what she needed for her expectant offspring.  So she did what most of us do and asked her friends what they recommend.  She then turned this concept into a monthly subscription box that delivers innovative and useful items to all the confused and tired moms and dads out there.  I threw in tired, because you don't have to leave your house and browse through Babies R Us to find what you need, Citrus Lane ships it right to you...and shipping is FREE!

Sounds awesome, right?!  So how do you sign up?  You will first need to visit their website.  You will then be prompted to enter your Little One's birthday, name and gender.  This will allow Citrus Lane to personalize your box to your child.  Then you will set up payment and wait for your surprises to come in the mail.  This is the best part, who doesn't love care packages?! 

When the box comes, the real fun begins.
What I really like about Citrus Lane compared to other subscription services is that you get full size products versus sample size.  So, what did our friends at Citrus Lane send to me?  We got a Skip Hop Hug and Hide Stroller Toy, Stack N' Seal food storage solution, Andy Warhol Book (We love Andy here in Pittsburgh), Cleanwell Disinfectant Spray, and Juice Beauty Green Apple Moisturizer.  A great combo of items and every month it will be different.  This box will cost you $25.00 to receive, but it has a retail value of $32.50.  You also did not have to drive anywhere or do any research.  So head over to Citrus Lane and give it a try!
The products featured in this post were provided by Citrus Lane.  The opinions are completely my own.

My Birth Center Bag

So, I belong to a birth month Facebook group.  This group is kind of addicting, definitely annoys the shit out of Dufda, and makes me think that I have 300 friends that are all pregnant with me at the same time, when in real life I know about 4 of them.  One of the constant discussions on this group is:  What do you pack in this infamous hospital bag!?  I think it gets brought up about one or twice a week.  I never had a real urge to pack said bag.  I plan to birth at a birth center and stay for the minimum required stay of 4 hours.  What could I really need during this time?  Well, when it got down to it...a lot, or maybe nothing at all, that is the problem with being a first time honestly don't know. 

The question was finally brought up to me at my 37 week appointment.  Do you have the car seat installed?  Have you packed your bag yet?  The answer to both of these was no.  That same week, Dufda and I made a trip to the hospital with a possibility of having a baby the same day without anything packed and no car seat to bring the baby home in.  You would think that this would have lit a fire under my ass to get things moving.  It did not.  My plan was that when I went into labor that I would pack my bag to kill some time.  Well the other day, I was positive we were going to have a baby.  So I started packing.  We didn't have a baby, so instead I figured I would turn it into a blog post for others who may be super confused on what you should bring with you.  Mind you, this was packed based on a pregnant women's mind and I will no doubt update you after to tell you how much crap I brought that I didn't need.  On our honeymoon I packed like 3 huge suitcases...I wore about four outfits...this is your warning that you should not take my advice when packing for anything.

The first bag I packed was Nugget's.  He is the most important because most likely I will have clothes on when I go into labor...he on the other hand comes out all naked. 
For the babe, we have a newborn outfit, a 0-3 outfit, an aden + anais swaddle, some Gerber prefolds, a receiving blanket, and a changing mat.  There wasn't much reason behind this, but I knew I wanted some stuff to dress him in if he was super tiny or super huge and then some stuff to clean him up with if he was super messy.  I packed this all in his diaper bag and figured it could be brought in after he is born.
Next up is my bag.  I packed for a birth center birth and if I end up transferred, will send Dufda home to grab some more stuff.
To the left I have my going home outfit.  It is March so it will probably be cold and I will still probably be fat.  I have some two sizes too big sweat pants, a long tank, a long sleeve maternity top and a zip up.  Everyone told me the general rule of thumb is to pack something that would fit when you are about 5-6 month pregnant.  In the center is my birthing dress because I am special and refuse to wear any hospital issued gown.  Of course a hair brush, so Dufda can brush my hair to relax me.  The to round out the clothing I packed two nursing bras and a nursing tank.  I may throw in a bathing suit top, but I feel like I won't really care for clothes in the Jacuzzi.  My after birth supplies are next.  I got some fabulous mesh undies, two Depends, some super gigantic hospital grade pads, two more normal size pads and some disposable breast pads.  No rhyme or reason to this either, just wanted to be prepared for what ever state I am left in.  I packed 3 of my favorite candles to set the mood...a perk of not being in the hospital.  I also have my own set of towels because I prefer microfiber to a regular towel...have you figured out why I require so much luggage everywhere I go?  This bag will go in with me when I first arrive.  The next one will stay in the car till I am ready to clean myself up.
This bag of toiletries is more for if I end up in the hospital, but some of it will be used before we go home.  I got a birth center survival kit at my baby shower from my niece that included most of this stuff, so I figured why not have it.  It is just your everyday toiletries.  Of course since my niece is the spawn of my anal sister, there also was some Clorox wipes just in case I wanted to scrub the bathroom while I was in labor.  The actual contents are deodorant, mouth wash, Shampoo, conditioner, chapstick, lotion, know for my pain, contact solution and case, face wipes, and anti bacterial soap.  Still debating on whether I want some make-up to make myself beautiful for the 3000+ pictures Dufda will be taking after Nugget enters the world. 

Next, is my food bag.  Even though my mother insist I wont' be hungry, I am never not hungry.  I am going to embrace the freedom of being out of the hospital and bring my favorite things from my pregnancy.

We have some honey sticks, granola, fruit snacks, Ritz crackers, juice, water, coffee, hard candy, soft candy, chocolate, and apple sauce.  I really would like to grab a cake on our way...oh and some donuts.  If nothing else at least Dufda will have snacks.  After the birth our nurse cooks us breakfast as well.  And of course don't forget these:
Since we didn't end up going into labor when I was packing there is still stuff we use everyday that will need packed.  I made a list and left it near everything else so we wouldn't forget anything.
  • clementine's : )
  • eye glasses
  • our cell phones and chargers
  • camera, charges, and cards
  • iPod
  • tablets and chargers
  • Dufda's stuff, he is a last minutes packer and I just let him be
  • our slippers.
Finally, we have a dog so we needed to prepare her to be taken to my mom's.  We packed three days of food in the event of a hospital stay, some hard bones, treats, toys, and a kong.  She also has a new toy from the baby that she can get when she goes up there.

What was one thing you wished you had in your hospital/birth center bag, or were you a total over packer like I am?


Sunday, February 24, 2013

39 Weeks

How many weeks? 39 weeks, I never thought that I would still be able to walk around at 39 weeks pregnant.  This week it is also torture.  You are so close, but could be so far away.

How much weight Gain?  44lbs

How big is Nugget?  To big for my torso.
Best moment of the week?  My boss approved me to start working from home 2 days a week!  This is a life saver.  I was super nervous that I was going to have to start my leave earlier and cut into time with Nugget, but now I don't have to.

Early Labor signs?  I am having contractions, but it is about 5-10/day and not doing anything.

Awesome Pregnancy symptom of the week?  My joints are so flexible that I feel like I throw out my knee just by sitting on the toilet.

Miss Anything?  I want to be able to sleep in my bed again.  This won't happen till baby comes though, because the pillow fort I have to create makes it very hard to get out of bed to accommodate for the 10+ bathroom trips that happen during the night.

Looking Forward to?  Being able to wear my clothes again.  My maternity clothes really don't even fit anymore.

Food Cravings?  They are out of control.  Cereal, cheesecake, dessert...anything that is high calorie.  I hope that I can stop this after I give birth.

Midwife Appointment:  Met with the new midwife this week who started out her appointment with reminding me that I will most likely be 41 weeks before I go into labor.  Thanks.  Blood pressure was raised a tad, but nothing concerning.  Heart beat and growth are all good.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

38 Weeks!

How many Weeks? 38 Weeks, it feels like just yesterday I was peeing on stick and freaking out because Dufda was in Jordan not answering his phone.

How much weight gain? 40 lbs, I am not sure where it is, but I hope it all comes out with this baby.

How Big is Nugget? About the size of a pumpkin, and lord knows I couldn't find a pumpkin in the middle of winter.  He won't get much bigger from now on, but his brain is said to still be growing.

Best moment of the week? Finishing the nursery!  You can check it out here.

What about those rings?  My carpel tunnel is so bad that I feel like I don't have any fingers.  I really miss my diamonds, though.

Early Labor Signs?  Definitely felt one contraction yesterday.  Just one so no big deal, but at least my body is practicing.  I have a ton of pressure and definitely some pain, I hope it means he is trying to break through.

Awesome Pregnancy symptom of the week?  Seriously with the night sweats!  I sleep on the couch under a window because I am so hot and still wake up as if someone poured a bucket of water on me.  I will not be sad to see these go.

Miss Anything?  Control, at this point you have no control over anything.  You are just in it for the ride.  You make this nursery that you don't know when you will use it, you install a car seat as part of the waiting game and you have bags packed for an event that has no time scheduled.

Food Cravings?  Ice Cream! I should stop, I have gained about 4lbs in a week, but oh well, me, Ben and Jerry are enjoying it too much.

Looking Forward to?  My little man.  I wanna know what he will look like and most importantly, if he will fit in his cute coming home outfit. 

Dufda Quote of the week?  Anytime I look like I in pain he asks, "Are you having birth?"  Not giving birth, having and I think it is hilarious although sometimes annoying because every second you are in pain at this point.

Pregnant woman rant of the week?  So I am very pregnant and I see a lot of people throughout the day. These people are separated into categories. 

The closet OB/GYN:  You are 37 weeks pregnant, don't babies come at 36 weeks?  You haven't dropped yet, you probably won't give birth for another couple of weeks?.  You don't look big enough to be 37 weeks pregnant are you sure the doctor gave you the right date. You look like you can go into labor right now.

Then there are the people who have no sensor:  I couldn't see you from the front, but by your waddle could totally tell you where pregnant.  (From same women when she saw my face)  You look like you are over this whole pregnant thing. (a.k.a you look like shit)  You look comfy today. (a.k.a you look like shit)

Then there are the idiots:  37 weeks...that's the first trimester right?  Have you felt the baby kick yet?

And not to mention the small talker:  Are you pregnant?  What are you having?  How far along are you?  When are you due?  Do you have a name?  Well when I gave birth I wasn't left with a butt hole, was in labor for 57 hours, had to have a C-section because the baby couldn't fit, nearly died of blood loss, gave birth in the elevator of a jail, was given the wrong baby from the nursery, oh the list goes on at the ridiculous stories that people tell you.

Last but not least, there are the people I freak out by not giving birth in a hospital: I work right around the corner from Magee Women's hospital.  Basically, if you are giving birth most likely you will end up on their conveyor belt of laboring mama's.  Every time someone walks into my job, they remind that it is just around the corner.  1.  If I go into labor, I have plenty of time as a first time mom to get to my care provider,  I will actually be driving home most likely to labor at home for awhile before even thinking about or being permitted to come back to the city.  2.  I am not giving birth at Magee.  I started to tell this to people, but have gotten such a bad reaction that I have given up and just nod and agree.  I was trying to explain to a women that I was giving birth in a birth center.  It was down the strip and is staffed by a slew of wonderful midwives.  Her response:  Well I am sure nothing too bad will happen.  Seriously?  Too bad.  I wanna smack some people.

Midwife Appointment:  So, my appointment this week did not turn out the way it usually does.  I go there and they had not scheduled the current appointment that I was there for, nor my following appointments for the month of February. I was kind of pissed because at this point in my pregnancy, I think I know how the system works.  When we get into the appointment, the midwife has to go over all the things that can cause a transfer.  I want nothing more that to avoid the hospital so I am trying to ignore all of these bad things, because I believe that fear hinders progress in labor.  She then takes my blood pressure and it is very high for me.  She does the exam and retakes the pressure and it is still high.  I then have to do a urine sample to check for protein.  She does find trace amounts of protein in my urine but says that is typically normal.  She rechecks the blood pressure and it has not gone down.  I have to schedule a blood pressure recheck for Friday to make sure I have kept it down.  She does send me home with a list of things to call her for that could be pre-eclampsia related.  On a positive note, I was GBS negative, so there would be no need for an IV during labor.  This was super important to me because delivering at the birth center I wanted to be connected to nothing.

I go home that night, obviously shaken.  I am trying to calm myself down and make sure that I am able to lower my blood pressure.  I fall asleep and am woken up by a very consistent pain in my right side.  The same pain that she described that I would need to call for.  Instead I stayed awake from 2:30-5:30 with this pain, who knows why.  When I woke up in the morning I decided that I should call just in case.  By the way, today is Valentine's Day.  The midwife on-call was the same one that checked me the day before.  She told me that she would meet me at the hospital immediately and be prepared to have a baby today.  We have no car seat in the car and nothing packed, even though she told me to complete this during the first appointment, I still didn't listen.  So we set off to the hospital.  When we get there, I realize why this place is my worse nightmare.  They immediately hook up an IV and strap you to fetal monitors.  I can tell the baby hates this because he keeps kicking the monitors.  Luckily when I got there I was able to see my blood pressure on the screen and calm myself down.  I think that everything had gotten me so worked up that I just needed reassurance that I in fact didn't' have high blood pressure and the reason why it was so high was me thinking about being stripped of the birth I wanted.  We had to wait for the blood work to come back to in sure that my liver was functioning properly.  We then had a wildly romantic meal at Mcdonald's and went to pick up Coco's ashes.  Yes, that was my Valentine's Day, be jealous.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jad's Monster Nursery is Finished!!

I had originally wanted to finish Jad's nursery before 25 weeks.  I guess at 25 weeks it was usable, but it was nothing like how I really wanted it.  Today at 37 weeks and 6 days I can say that the whole darn thing is done.  It is definitely not everyone's style.  It is bright and vibrant and borderline obnoxious, but so are kids so I think it is fitting.  The room is small and I saw no where to make cuts, so we crammed everything in.  The theme is monsters and anything that is primary bright colors and frankly I love it so much that I may sleep in there a night or two.
So in this picture, you can see the paper lanterns that could have been the death of me.  I have learned that the trick with these is to keep it simple and use lots of hooks.  I purchased the lanterns from the Paper Lantern Store.  They are super cheap!  They are hung with clear thread.  You usually had to do a triple knot and wrap the thread several times to get them to stay. 

Reading is super important to us, and thanks to friends and family, Nugget has a ton of books that are both English, Arabic and some in both languages.  The shelves were found at Garden Ridge and are actually to put photos on, but with such a small room I opted for a super shallow shelf.

Our windows in this room were 72 inches by 21 inches.  Try to find curtains to fit's a hint, you won't.  I decided I would teach myself to sew and make these babies my self, how hard could a curtain be, right?  It was pretty hard and very time consuming.  I would make one, then forget the pattern and have to make a whole new pattern.  They all look the same, but I doubt they really are the same.  I do think the are pretty awesome though.

 Next up: Nugget's Crib!  We went with the Coco & Company Monster Buds bedding set and made the whole room off of this.  I also made some homemade monsters as decoration.  The mobile is my own creation.  I started with the frame of a mobile from another bedding set.  I then made little monsters out of fleece, buttons and thread.  They are attached through elastic.  Since I used a mobile from another set, it still has the music to go with it.

The mirror, leaf and crib are all from Ikea in this picture.  Ikea is by far my favorite furniture store because everything comes flat and is easy to transport.  The crib does change into a toddler bed as well, so it has some longevity to it.

The changing table was source of contention in my house.  Is it needed, is it not?  I was all for it, Dufda said there wasn't room.  The room thing was for sure an issue, but he was able to make it work.  Also from Ikea and goes with the crib.  I couldn't imagine not having the storage.  We are cloth diapering and I want to make sure to make it as easy as possible, so I need everything at an arm's reach.

The artwork above the changing table was made by my aunt as a gift for my shower.  My child won't ever be able to just go buy something with his name on it, so this was a pretty cool gift.  The two on the side are from the bedding set.

The clock was also made by my aunt, the glare is bad but it also has Jad's name on it.  The two prints were customs from Etsy.  They are above a dresser, from no other than, Ikea.

I had wanted this furniture from the moment I saw it in Ikea...about 7 years ago, when I had no desire to have any children.  It reminds me of Blue's Clues and I just love it for a little boy.  The flooring is Arabic alphabet play tiles.  They can be found here.

Lastly, here is his light fixture!  Of course, we couldn't have a regular light...and yes it is from Ikea.

Well, I hope you like it!  More pictures to come when the little monster makes his arrival.

My Monster Baby Shower

When I found out I was pregnant I was positive that I wanted everything neutral and sophisticated.  Well that all changed the day I found out that I was having a boy.  Who knows if it would be the same way with a girl, but this little boy...a.k.a my little monster has made my house spewed with crazy monsters and vibrant colors.  Of course, we would also do a monster baby shower. 

First up were the invites.  As you may not be aware, you are unable to just go purchase monster invites.  So I had them made by a super awesome Etsy seller, GigglePrintables.  The turn around was super quick and I love them!
This was the first time that I had a file made like this on Etsy.  It made it super cheap to print...I used Sam's Club and they came to about 8 cents a piece.  I even found these adorable stamps to mail them with.
The guest are invited!  Now on to the good stuff.  Everything had to be made or sort of made in some way so that it would all work.  We played several games.

We started out with What would Daddy say?  This is where I wrote down part of a phrase and then Dufda has to finish it.  If you have read previous post, you know that he has quite the way with words.  I was very surprised that some people guessed the same thing that Dufda wrote down.

We had stations set up for Name that Baby Food and Baby Shower Price is Right.  The guest could come and go as they pleased and play only if they wanted too.

We finished up with Baby Shower bingo and also a game that I made up.  I took the baby's full name and the guest had 60 seconds to make as many words as they could with it.  This was a lot hard than I had originally thought.

What would games be without prizes?  How many showers have you been to and the prizes suck.  I feel like they typically do.  We opted for something different.  We did have a couple actual prizes.  We bought them in gift sets from QVC.  This is the way to go if you know you are having a shower and it is around Christmas.  They bundle items together and you get a really good rate on them.  What we did for the bulk of our prizes was to just have $5 gift cards to random places people would go.  Yeah, I know $5 isn't a lot, but at least it is something you can definitely use.  We picked Panera, Giant Eagle, Subway and Starbucks.  They were of course packaged in adorable monster bags.
The bags are actually from Oriental Trading.  The boxes in the back are insulated totes that folded up into a nice little square.  We had a few polka dotted tumblers as well.

Next we had to decorate the place.  We went all DIY with this.
The centerpieces were buckets that we found at Five Below.  We then filled them with floral foam and stuck monster suckers in them for the guest to take.  They were fashioned into monsters by my mother.  She has become an expert in all things monster.  The banner that decorated the gift table was made from die-cuts found at Michaels.  That stool was also made by my mother.  We saw a monster one in Garden Ridge that was $30 bucks, we determined this was far to expensive...I bet that stool was far more than $30 to make, but way, way cuter. 

When you create a theme, people seem to really follow it.  I cannot believe how many gifts that I received that were monster themed.  I don't know where they were finding this stuff.  No duplicates either!
 All in all it was a huge success.  I was so happy to see everyone and Jad got everything that he needs and way more.  I can't wait for my little man to get here so we can use all of it!

37 Weeks

How many weeks? 37 weeks

Weight Gain? No idea, I have had no desire to get a scale out this week.

How big is Nugget?  All the fruit are way off in the end, so I think my fruit segment is over.  He is big and he is getting way stronger.

Best moment this week?  My baby shower of course!!  It was a monster theme...I bet you could have guessed that.  I was so surprised by the turn out and the generosity of my guest.  Baby Jad is already spoiled.  Here is a little montage of the shower.
I will go into more details in a separate post.

Wedding rings still on?  Oh heck no!  I have sausages as fingers and my rings are a size 3, there ain't anyway I can get those on without requiring the jaws of life to get me out.

Early Labor signs?  I don't think any.  There is lots of pressure though, like the baby feels like he may just fall out, which I would be o.k with.

Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach, being able to tie my shoes and put on socks, walking not waddling.... the list goes on and on.

Food Cravings?  I want pancakes and I want them now.  I also need lots of ice cream.

Looking Forward to?  Actually, going into labor.  I want to see what all this hype is about.

Midwife Appointment:  Everything looks good and baby is still head down.  Baby shower day was the first day that I am able to go into labor and avoid going to the hospital.  She went over briefly when to call and what to do if that would happen.

36 Weeks - We miss you Coco

There is no picture or update from week 36 because it was an awful week.  If you followed along, you know that in December we put down out precious little poodle, Tasha.  This week, Coco got much worse and had to be put to sleep.  Two dogs in about a month.  We still have one dog, Dolce.  She is not adjusting well and we feel awful. 

Coco had a tumor in his mouth that started to grow in June.  The day I returned from my honeymoon in Jordan and the day I found out I was pregnant with Nugget, he had to be taken to the emergency vet because he was bleeding so bad.  We had been told that the growth was cancerous and not worth removing.  No one told us how long Coco would last.  We took him home and started to try to manage his care.  It was not easy.  You constantly had to follow him around with a rag because he was either bleeding or drooling.  We love that dog though, so the extra work was worth it. 

This past week we were dealing with an increase in blood loss...thank God for hard wood floors.  We thought maybe the solution was to add a cone so he would have to stop licking.  He had a horrible habit of licking his legs and this would make him bleed more.  This worked for awhile, we had two cones and changed them out frequently.  The night before we had to take him in, he hemorrhaged in the middle of the night, still not losing enough blood to really change him, but we had to make the decision that this was no way for him to live.  We had Dolce say goodbye and we took him to the vet.
She really did say goodbye, I am not just a crazy dog lady
Taking him into the vet was hard.  I had called before because Coco could still walk and in some cases still wag his tail.  Was this the case for other dogs that had random tumors growing?  I asked this question for about a month prior to making the final decision.  Many people shared their stories with me and said that many times when they put their dogs down that they still appeared fine.  This was comforting to me. 

When we got to the vet, I was very happy to see that there was no one in the waiting room.  When we put Tasha down, I hated the pity that the others gave you while you were standing there with your dying dog.  I also didn't think it was fair for them to have to even show that pity when their dog is probably in an awful situation.  We went right back to the familiar room, we had the same vet that put Tasha down, we filled out the familiar papers and answered the same questions: No, our dog has not bit anyone in the last 5 days (I laughed at this because he clearly couldn't), Yes, we understand we are deciding to euthanize our dog, Yes, we would like a private cremation.  We got Coco back in 2009 because he got along so well with my other dog Nala.
When Nala died I kept her ashes and planned to bury them together.  That is just what we will do in spring when the ground dethaws.  Nala had a very similar growth.

I miss my puppies, but I know that things happen for a reason.  We have a baby on the way and I know our life is easier with just one dog.  Even though it is this big white  beast:
She can entertain herself and loves to just sit outside for hours.  Plus, Jad could totally ride her like a pony when he gets older.  I would love any tips that that you guys could leave to make her life easier right now.  She lost her two best friends and is so not use to being alone.  We give her kongs to distract her when we leave, but I need some new ideas. 

35 Weeks

How many weeks?  35 weeks 

Weight Gain? I'm actually starting to lose weight.  This little being inside of me takes up so much room that I can't eat a lot.  I am down to a total weight gain of 31 lbs.

How big is Nugget?  There is no picture this week because they say he is a cantelope.  How can he be a cantelope, if last week he was a pineapple.  So here is a bonus picture:

Best moment this week? Definitely Dufda being excited to go to birth class.  He is like a sponge, he remembered everything. Now he site's random birth facts around the house and I love it!

Pregnancy Symptom of the week?  My armpits hurt!  Is this a pregnancy symptom, or a personal problem that I have.

Miss Anything?  I would pay good money to lay on my real good money.

Food Cravings?  I really wanted stuffed cabbage this week and I was kind of counting on my mom having some frozen, but she didn't.  I hear that is maybe on the menu for wednesday.

Looking forward to?  Nothing specific, but I am very scared to see what clothes will fit after I am done being pregnant.  You know I am in three weddings in the summer after the baby arrives, I have three more to attend as a guest.  Ordering a bridesmaid dress while pregnant has been super challenging.  Why would this theory make sense:  You are 8-9 months pregnant.  I want you to measure your "waist" and then we will order you one size up from that and it should work.  You know because you won't probably lose all of your baby weight.  Well, what about that big event called birth?  You know the one where a baby appears, the same baby that is making your waist the size that it is.  Yeah I am going to lose some weight.  Ugh, so we will see how those alterations go.