This is the third post of great presents you can get little kids or babies with out breaking the bank. Please check out Stocking Stuffers under $5 and Baby Gifts under $10, as well! We either have these toys or have been directed to them from other moms. Every one is loved and played with and most are even under $20!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Baby Presents under $25
This is the third post of great presents you can get little kids or babies with out breaking the bank. Please check out Stocking Stuffers under $5 and Baby Gifts under $10, as well! We either have these toys or have been directed to them from other moms. Every one is loved and played with and most are even under $20!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
An Affordable AIO!
Disclosure: I have receive this product in exchange for my honest review. The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from that of yours.
There are start up cost associated with cloth diapering. Depending on your diaper choice, those can get expensive. Regardless, you will still save money but you can save even more money if you choose an affordable option. Typically, this would steer you towards prefolds and covers which can be daunting to some if you aren't familiar with how to fold a prefold. There aren't to many All-in-one style diapers that fall under the "affordable" tag. Imagine Baby Products actually makes a great affordable AIO! Their bamboo edition is on sale right now for $14.95. Imagine sent me this diaper to try out on Nugget and I just can't believe the quality you get for the price.
The Bamboo AIO is a one size diaper. Compared to some of my other one sizes, I would rank the Imagine diaper on the smaller side. Nugget is about 30 inches tall and 20 pounds and needs the diaper completely unsnapped on the rise, but the waist still had plenty of room to grow. I think this would fit a baby earlier than most one size diapers due to the rise snaps. It is hard to make the comparison now that Nugget is so big, but it looks to get pretty small.
The Bamboo AIO is most like a disposable in the ease of use department. There is no stuffing or folding with this diaper but you will need to snap in the soaker, though.
After you snap in the soaker, there is a piece of fabric that covers the snaps for your baby's comfort.
I like when the soaker is a snap in because the diaper will dry faster this way. The diaper itself is 1 layer of an absorbent bamboo and cotton blend, then you add in the 4 layer bamboo soaker and you get a great diaper system for an awesome price.
This is a great diaper for someone who is looking to start out cloth or who is established and would like to expand their collection. It just proves that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a really great, absorbent diaper.
Like them on Facebook!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
My Confession: My Baby doesn't Sleep Through the Night
I sit with one of my Aunts on the floor playing with Nugget and she is having such a good time. She, herself has 4 children and looked at me and said I don't remember this, I don't think I enjoyed it enough. I may not have four children but I know why she didn't enjoy it, she was tired. We are all tired and as mothers we have instilled this unrealistic expectation as what your life as a mother should be.
Sleep. As a pregnant woman we were told thousands of times to "sleep while you can" and "you will never sleep again". When you become a mother, the sleep talks don't stop. They now turn from your sleep, to your babies sleep. It will feel as if his performance in the sleep department is in direct correlation to how good of a mother you are. Basically in the game of mommyhood there is one goal placed on everyone: Get your baby to sleep through the night. If you reach that goal, everyone wants to know how you got there. If you haven't reached this goal, everyone wants to tell you how to get your baby to sleep through the night.
The advice received as a new mom is the most confusing advice that you will ever get. You want your baby to sleep, but not to long because then they need to eat. You need to feed your baby, but how you feed your baby will determine how you are judged on a whole other level. You baby needs to nap, but not too much because than they won't sleep through the night. Well ,how do I get my baby to sleep through the night? You should have them CIO, but then they will have separation issues. So then you should Ferber, No-Cry Sleep Solution, Sleep Lady Shuffle, No tears, Gentle Sleep Training, heck here is a Bingo card to figure out your sleep problem, and they will for sure sleep through the night because that is what worked for my baby. With all of these methods, mothers have created their own life hacks on how they worked for them. They all come with repercussions in mommydom. You introduced a lovey...well that is a SIDS risk. You let your baby cry it out for how long?....well that is really sad that you just let your baby cry. You have to cover you child's face for them to sleep...that seems dumb, how did they get use to that. You have introduced a paci, sound machine, swing or any other device to help with will regret it when they are 8 years old and still need to sleep in a swing...
When talking about sleep we can't help but bring up the additional judgement surrounded by bedsharing. MY BABY SLEEPS IN MY BED! He is just fine. I do not need stories about someone you know that their baby fell off the bed while they were bedsharing because lots of babies fall off of beds and were never sleeping with their parents in the first place. Those that judge bedsharers, I would judge, are formula feeding their child most likely and can share the responsibility of feeding throughout the night with someone else and have lost the particular connection with their child that breastfeeding creates making it safe to bedshare while breastfeeding (the latter is fact, not my judgement).
Breastfeeding, most will say this is why your baby isn't sleeping through the night. You milk isn't heavy enough. They need more than breast milk to sleep. Eight month old babies shouldn't be hungry through out the night, and you should not feed them when they wake up, everyone will tell you. Offer a paci, let them cry, but for heaven's sake don't' feed that baby because then it will become habit. My baby wakes to eat because he is hungry, my baby wakes to nurse because he is lonely, my baby wakes to eat because his brain is growing and breast milk has amazing nutrients that are ideal for this growth, my baby wakes to eat because he freakin' wakes to eat and because he likes boobies, obviously.
For the sake of all mother's out there can you please just stop trying to "fix" other babies sleep problems. Babies wake up, it is totally normal. Do I think this just because my baby wakes up, not a chance. I have been able to connect with tons of other moms who have perfectly healthy babies that all wake in the night. So next time a mother tells you she is tired, buy her a coffee and keep your ferberizing to yourself.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Travelin' Toddler Holiday Gift Guide Preview!
Who is excited for the Holidays! I know I am, so I thought I would give you a peak at what's to come. My Jordanian Nugget is bringing you the Travelin' Toddler Gift Guide for 2013. This is a collection of the best travel gifts that I found for traveling parents and their children.
Review and giveaways will start going live in November! If you just can't wait that long to get a shopping, I will provide you with some links below. My Jordanian Nugget is still accepting products for the Gift Guide if it fits within the Travelin' Toddler theme. Just comment below and I will be in touch with you!
1. B.Box Essential Sippy Cup - It has a weighted straw so your baby can get ever last drop!
2. Peter Rabbit Organic Food Pouches - They are so good, you may just steal some bites for yourself.
3. Rock Me Apparel - One Piece "Separates" that make changing an active baby quick and easy.
4. Geleeo Stroller cooling mat - Keeps your kids cool while strolling in those hot destinations.
5. Planes Blu-ray (Not yet released)- Great entertainment to get your toddler excited about their upcoming plane ride.
6. Halo Cable Knit SleepSack - Keep your baby warm and safe in this stylish wearable blanket.
7. Takeya Green Leaf Lunch Box - Pack your toddler's lunch in this fun bento box.
8. Yoomi - Self - warming baby bottle for when you are without a plug.
9. Little Pim Language DVD's - Get your little one ready to communicate where ever your travels take you.
10. Boba Air - A great carrier to keep with you while on-the-go. It only weighs .7lbs!
11. Nuby Easy Clean Bib - Wipe-able, so you do not need to pack as many.
12. Travel Tot Childproofing kit - Make sure grandma's house or the hotel is a safe place for your little one by having this kit with you while on vacation.
13. Peek Away 4-in-1 Nursing Kit - Handbag, Nursing Pillow, Nursing Cover and changing mat all in this stylish accessory!
14. Hugg-a-Planet - Educational Toy and Pillow in one, makes for a great item to pack to keep your toddler occupied and comfy.
15. Nap Sac - This diaper bag will fold out into a bassinet wherever your baby needs to sleep.
16. Little Green Pouch - Great reusable and resealable food pouches for baby.
17. Pediped footwear - Every traveler needs some great shoes to keep going!
18. Rockin' Baby Hero Sling - For every Sling sold, Rockin' Baby give a sling to a mother in Haiti/
Review and giveaways will start going live in November! If you just can't wait that long to get a shopping, I will provide you with some links below. My Jordanian Nugget is still accepting products for the Gift Guide if it fits within the Travelin' Toddler theme. Just comment below and I will be in touch with you!
1. B.Box Essential Sippy Cup - It has a weighted straw so your baby can get ever last drop!
2. Peter Rabbit Organic Food Pouches - They are so good, you may just steal some bites for yourself.
3. Rock Me Apparel - One Piece "Separates" that make changing an active baby quick and easy.
4. Geleeo Stroller cooling mat - Keeps your kids cool while strolling in those hot destinations.
5. Planes Blu-ray (Not yet released)- Great entertainment to get your toddler excited about their upcoming plane ride.
6. Halo Cable Knit SleepSack - Keep your baby warm and safe in this stylish wearable blanket.
7. Takeya Green Leaf Lunch Box - Pack your toddler's lunch in this fun bento box.
8. Yoomi - Self - warming baby bottle for when you are without a plug.
9. Little Pim Language DVD's - Get your little one ready to communicate where ever your travels take you.
10. Boba Air - A great carrier to keep with you while on-the-go. It only weighs .7lbs!
11. Nuby Easy Clean Bib - Wipe-able, so you do not need to pack as many.
12. Travel Tot Childproofing kit - Make sure grandma's house or the hotel is a safe place for your little one by having this kit with you while on vacation.
13. Peek Away 4-in-1 Nursing Kit - Handbag, Nursing Pillow, Nursing Cover and changing mat all in this stylish accessory!
14. Hugg-a-Planet - Educational Toy and Pillow in one, makes for a great item to pack to keep your toddler occupied and comfy.
15. Nap Sac - This diaper bag will fold out into a bassinet wherever your baby needs to sleep.
16. Little Green Pouch - Great reusable and resealable food pouches for baby.
17. Pediped footwear - Every traveler needs some great shoes to keep going!
18. Rockin' Baby Hero Sling - For every Sling sold, Rockin' Baby give a sling to a mother in Haiti/
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Planning that Special Birthday
Deep down we know every birthday is special, but there is something extra precious and extra special about your baby's first birthday. The cake smashing, pulling the party hat off every time you put it back on, finding more joy with the box and wrapping paper than the gift inside – these are memories of your baby that you will cherish.
If you're prepping for your baby's first birthday, then you've probably racked your brain trying to come up with creative party themes to make the event just as memorable for your guests. Don't worry, I've got two ideas to share with you and some tips to get your wheels turning!
Theme #1: Dr. Seuss
How cute will your baby look in a little Cat in the Hat hat and tie?? A few weeks before the party, take photos of your little one wearing the classic hat and use them to customize the party invitation. Throw a quote from Dr. Seuss on the front and the party info on the back, and you've got an invitation that will set the tone for your theme! One quote I love is, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Primary colors work well with a Dr. Seuss theme. Think red, blue, and white for table covers, streamers, and balloons. Add more color by cutting circles out of construction paper and taping them to the walls to replicate Put Me in the Zoo. Want to include a centerpiece? Print out the covers of various Dr. Seuss books to stand on the table. Or fill a small fish bowl with red and blue fish-shaped gummies like One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
If you need a few activities to entertain school-age children at the party, have them decorate their own Horton Hears a Who mask. Play Hop on Pop Hopscotch or pin the beard on the Grinch from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
The first thing that comes to mind, of course, is Green Eggs & Ham! Not exactly appetizing as is, but this is where you can get creative. Serve ham sandwiches and egg salad sandwiches. Use some food dye to make green deviled eggs. Make a shish-ka-bob of alternating banana and strawberry slices to look like the Cat in the Hat hat. A few dishes will go a long way to carry the theme through to the food served. Fill in the rest with party food favorites like chips, dip, veggie trays, and pasta salads.
Theme #2: Jungle Party
For these invitations, I'm picturing a baby wearing animal ears surrounded by a collection of jungle themed stuffed animals. Adorable!
Instead of streamers, get some clothes line, clothes pins, and green felt. Cut the felt into small, leaf shapes. Hot glue the leaves to the clothes pins and hang them on the clothes line around the room. You can leave it just like that or use the pins to hang pictures from your little one's first year.
Fortunately, there are tons of jungle-themed party products in stores today. You can get everything: table covers, plates, cups, etc. To add that special touch, dress the family in animal print. Your guests will love it and it will make for great pictures!
Need an activity for older kids? Go with animal masks. Kids love animal masks. I think it's a scientific fact. Give them foam cut-outs to decorate like a lion, monkey, giraffe, or zebra. After the masks are made, play “Jungle Freeze.” Turn on music (I recommend “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” “Roar,” or “The Bare Necessities”) and have the kids roam around acting out their animal. When the music pauses, they have to freeze in a pose. Pause the music as much or as little as you want and watch how creative the kids become!
Food is always my favorite part! Keep it simple, but themed. Animal crackers are easy. Fruit salad is perfect – after all, monkeys love bananas! For a main dish, purchase a sandwich ring and reshape the pieces into a winding snake. Add a face with olives for eyes and pepperoni for a tongue to really make it come to life!
Party Planning Tips
1. Brainstorm a Theme. Think of things that reflect your family. Maybe you love watching movies – that can be a great point to start from! Do you like video games? Pop culture? Disney characters? Play up a certain season or holiday if your baby's birthday is around that time. No idea is a bad idea.
2. Use Your Tools (i.e. the internet). Thanks to the popularity of Pinterest, you can find hundreds of ideas for party themes, decorations, and food. Take that list of themes you brainstormed and start searching to see what others have done. Warning: don't fall victim to Pinterest guilt! It's ok if you can't make that rainbow-tiered cake. Remind yourself of Tip #3…
3. Customize it. Don't feel confined by the things you see on Pinterest, Facebook, or the internet in general! Use it as a starting point. See what other people have done, choose what you like, and recreate it in a way that fits your taste and budget. Some people are blessed with artistic skills, some are culinary experts – nobody says you have to be! Which brings me to Tip #4…
4. Be realistic. Is there anything more frustrating than having big intentions and watching them fall flat?? Yuck. Set yourself up for success. You are a parent prepping for a one-year-old's birthday. You've got a lot on your plate already! Do what you can. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to accomplish a reasonable amount of party prep.
When all is said and done, the most important thing is to remember you are celebrating your baby's first birthday. There's no need to be overwhelmed. Plan what you can, as much or as little as you can. Decorate the entire location or simply blow up a few balloons. No matter what theme you choose or how involved you make it, let the message be “our special baby is celebrating a special occasion and we chose you to celebrate with us because you are special to us.”
About the Author: Ashley Douglas is the Owner of Offbeat Occasions, a Pittsburgh-based event planning company. With more than five years experience in project management, Ashley has coordinated a variety of occasions from weddings, to community events, to fundraisers. When she’s not with clients, you can find her leading a fitness class, teaching for Dancing Classrooms Pittsburgh, or planning a new adventure with her husband.Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Bathroom Remodel means Fun Tub Time for Nugget
Disclosure: I receive Nuby products through the Nuby Mom Blogger Program. The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from that of yours.
I feel like I have been on a never ending journey with my bathroom in my house. When I first moved in it was great, totally my style. I had an all pink bathroom. Then one day it all came crashing down, literally, while I was showering. Life happened and it never got fixed. I went through pregnancy without being able to relax in a bathtub and now we brought Nugget into a house that had this atrocious bathtub that we needed to use. This past month we have been working on doing the most cost effective remodel that is possible and now have a great bathroom at a fraction of the cost.
So this is what we started with:
There were so many things going wrong with this room of my house. The shower walls, well they fell in. The tub had lost its shine and was pink. The toilet, also pink, had lost its finish and would get dirty easily. The sink, pink as well, was old and nasty too. The floor, pink, was about to fall through to the basement because of water damage, so yeah, that had to be fixed. Our original plan was to gut the whole thing but we only have one bathroom. That is when we decided to do quick switch outs to minimize the time we would be without a toilet.
We cleared the whole bathroom out and the contractor got to work. First to go was the rest of the tile in the shower!
All gone! Well almost, we decided that we are going to paint the remaining tile to make the project go faster. Next we had to cover up that ugly wall.
At this point I was so happy to not have tiles fall on me, they could have stopped and I would have totally not cared. The next thing that had to go was the floor. We thought we could tile over it, but realized there was some serious water damage that needed to be fixed, so out with the floor!
See what was under there...It had to go. picking out tile was difficult because we needed something that atleast kind of went with the exisiting tile. While waiting for the tile to be installed, we need to have the tub resurfaced. I figured that ripping out the tub would cause a whole other issue, so we just kept it and made it white.
The refinish was just as good as getting a new tub and way cheaper and easier. You would never even know that the tub was pink. After about 3 days of work we had our bathroom completed and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
We just need to paint the trim, hang the shower curtain and get some storage items. Now that our bathroom is finished we were able to use Nugget's new Contoured Bath Seat by Nuby just in time for him to grow out of it.
When this first came in the mail, Dufda looked at it and thought it was pointless. Then one day I was at work and he sent me a message about how great this seat was. He uses it while he showers with the baby and Nugget cannot get out of the seat. It has very high walls and a deep seat that allows him to lay back and sit up, all while staying safe.
It is also easy to keep clean because there are no additional parts. When I am done, I use the suction cups and put it on the wall of the shower to dry. The seat has a hole in the bottom to drain water while in use as well. The Contour Bath Seat takes up much less space than a typical baby tub and would be great for travel. This seat would work for a kiddie pool or a day at the beach.
In a couple more week, Nugget will have out grown this. It is ideal for babies who cannot sit up or who sit assisted. If you baby sits assisted, this chair gives him the freedom to play in the big tub, with the safety of a smaller tub.
If you like to purchase the Contour Bath Seat, sells them. Check out this and many other products by connecting with Nuby!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Babies, Bridesmaids and Breastfeeding
A funny thing happens when you are 27. ALL of your friends get the same time. I remember I was picking up balloons for a bridal shower that I was doing and there was girl next to me doing the same thing. I asked her how old she was...wouldn't you know, she was 27. In all I had 6 sets of friends get married and 2 cousins. Of those, I was a bridesmaid in 3 of the weddings. This is a tough act to juggle with a baby so I am going to give you some tips based on my experience.
The Dress:
Most likely you will not get to pick the dress but if you do have a choice here are some things to keep in mind. If you are breastfeeding you will want to make it as easy as possible to gain access to the boob. I was very pregnant when all of the brides were picking out bridesmaid dresses so I was unable to try anything on. So, what size do you order? This will differ from bridal shop to bridal shop. In one place I was told to order one size up from pre pregnancy size another actually told me to measure my waist and add a size...while I was 8 months pregnant. Bigger is better, but only to an extent because you will then have to cut the dress in half to get it to fit. The first wedding that I was in was just 4 weeks after Nugget was born. We were able to choose whatever dress we wanted in a certain color. This was a godsend because I was able to rent from Little Borrowed Dress. They sent you two sizes and you just send it back when you are done. I hope to never be that size so I certainly didn't want a dress in the size. They even send you two different sizes to make sure that one will fit. Straps are best, because your boobs are going to me much larger than they use to be. With that you will most likely need a new, supportive strapless bra.
If you are aren't in the wedding or need a dress for a rehearsal, definitely go with something that is breastfeeding friendly. Here are some great options here.
Feeding your baby:
Weddings equal long days. You never know what you will be doing because you do not make the schedule. You will need to meet to get ready and then get pictures taken and then there is a myriad of events of which you need to be apart of. Weddings are not conducive with a breastfeeding and pumping schedule of a new mom so here is how to make the best of it. Bring a manual and electric pump. Make sure you have a cooler on hand. I have pumped in the bathroom, I have pumped in the bridal suite, I have pumped on the ride over to the wedding. Make sure that you have some heavy duty breast pads to go with your attire or you will leak through your dress. When I was getting ready, I would always ask when I was expected to be in my dress. Twenty minutes before I would make sure to get in one last pump session. Then the first seconds that you can, run and grab your baby and feed them. I bring a cover because you never know where you will be when you are able to actually feed your baby. Your dress may have to be pulled down completely to allow access.
Helping out the Hubs:
If you are in the wedding, then most likely your husband is on his own. He needs to get that baby dressed up, himself put together and keep that baby quiet during the wedding. For our last wedding, we bought noise canceling headphones and wished we would have bought them much earlier. Nugget would freak everytime the room clapped and then Dufda would need to remove him. I always made sure there was enough milk set aside, I picked out Nugget's clothes, left instructions on where the wedding was, and stocked the diaper bag full of Nugget's favorite items. I suggest bringing a carrier so that you can at least dance and have fun while your baby is awake.
It won't be the same as when you didn't have kids:
Don't think you will be able to stay till midnight or you are going to have as much fun as you once did at wedding. Taking a baby to a wedding is work. That work usually ends when they have a fit from being over stimulated and you need to make a quick exit before 9pm. I am sad that I was unable to enjoy really any of my friends weddings, but this is my new normal and my responsibility lays with my child.
Don't bite off more than you can chew:
Because I sure did. All of these weddings mean equally as many showers and just as many presents. It is tiring and expensive. No one can prepare you for how you are going to be holding up after you have a baby. Throw in all the planning that goes along with being a wedding and you will for sure be overwhelmed. I wish I knew this before. I would suggest letting the bride know that you would love to be in the wedding if your lack of involvement will not upset them, otherwise suggest you can take part in another way.
Monday, October 21, 2013
10 Baby Toys Under $10
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Stocking Stuffers for Baby - Under $5
Not to frighten you but Christmas is upon us. We have gifts to buy and we are all on a budget.
That is why today I am bringing you very affordable gifts for the baby on your list.
Babies are hard to shop for. Not only do you not know what they have, it is hit or miss if they
will like it, and for that reason you do not want to spend a lot of money. All these gifts are
under $5! That is right under $5 and free shipping if you have Amazon Prime.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Babywearing: How it gets me through play time
On this rainy Saturday Nugget decided that he wanted to do a blog post on the benefits of babywearing to educate all the others on how he solves his day to day problems. When I want to play and Baby needs attention, I babywear.
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Tightening your rails is key to achieving the height I got in this ruck |
I like to keep Baby close and safe on my back as to not interfere with my daily activities. Her hips are properly supported and she is up high so she can enjoy play time as well. When the unthinkable happens and a Weeble wobbles and does fall down, I am thankful for babywearing because I can pick him right up again.
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Oh No! Let's pick up the Weeble |
When Baby was just born she preferred a front cross carry but since she has learned great head control we have been mastering back carries. My favorite is a simple ruck because it doesn't take much time and I am able to use mommy's scarf because I don't need a lot of length. Baby loves it back there and sometimes during playtime she falls asleep.
Baby sounds asleep during playtime |
I always make sure she has a clear airway and then I keep on playing. While babywearing I can keep Baby happy and learn my shapes, colors and my ABCS all at the same time. I am such a great multitasker. When I go to play dates all the other kids are struggling trying to hold their Babies and shake their rattles. I struggle with spreading the message about babywearing as I know it isn't for everyone. Usually I just shout from my boppy, "Carry them!"
This is me spreading the word |
Friday, October 18, 2013
We are still doing THAT at 7 months
I breastfeed a 7 month old baby who has teeth. When I write this, it doesn't seem weird to me, but the statistical truth is that I am the minority. The U.S has a breastfeeding rate at six months of 47% and at 12 months of 25%. These numbers are on the rise and I think that is just spectacular but they just do not compare to other countries. The power of breast milk is more than I think any of us even know, as it is the perfect substance for our little ones. I mention teeth because everyone likes to bring them up when you talk breastfeeding. Babies get teeth early and it is no reason to wean. There was just a news story where the baby was born with teeth. This does not mean that you should not breastfeed your child. Has Nugget bit me? Yes! He bit me before he had teeth, too. So, what is it like to breastfeed not only a 7 month old baby, but also one that is off the charts large?
Nugget weighs in the range of 20lbs and is about 30 inches long. I will admit in my perception of what breastfeeding looked like, me breastfeeding Nugget is humorous. Before we stopped swaddling, it was like nursing a humongous burrito. Being that he is 7 months old, Nugget is far more distracted than when he was a newborn. Nursing necklaces are my friend and luckily keep him on the task at hand for now. There is more fighting and more wrangling and sometimes I feel like I am actually trying to feed an angry octopus.
We have started solids and have said to goodbye to that easy to deal with EBF poo. Nugget still wants to nurse, although he is losing interest in taking milk from Dufda during the day. I know there will come a point where he will wean, but hopefully that is far from now. It is a struggle because I would like to keep and maintain my same pumping schedule at work, which translates into porn star size boobs while home because Nugget doesn't eat every two and half hours anymore.
Nursing in public is a whole other ball game with a 7 month old. I have pretty much master what I need to wear to discreetly and quickly feed Nugget. This usually translates into me wearing the same shirt in different colors everyday of the week. Nipple Lash. Have you heard of it? It will happen to you. You will seek out the most quiet area and there will still be someone or something that will distract your baby causing this very unpleasant tug of your nipple. People also expect that you stop breastfeeding within this time frame so you get a lot of: "Your still doing that?" "That must hurt." "I bet he would love a cheeseburger."
Being that Nugget is older we have laid the foundation for a successful and hopefully smooth sailing breastfeeding relationship that will go until he is at least 12 months old. I know his cues now, I know how to solve a problem if it arises, I am very comfortable with my decision. If you would have asked me a 7 weeks how long I would breastfeed, I may have told you 12 months still but I would have been very unsure of that decision.
If you are debating quitting, my advice for you is don't! To commit to breastfeed for a year is such a small sacrifice in terms of the the benefits that breast milk provides. There will be times where you long to not "have" to feed him this way. You may get touched out that you are about to lose your mind. It will be difficult to do weekend trips with your girl friends. If you do go away you will be attached to a pump. Are these things inconvenient, maybe, but they are necessary so that we breastfeed in our children and in turn hopefully our children will maintain this practice and breastfeed their children.
Nugget weighs in the range of 20lbs and is about 30 inches long. I will admit in my perception of what breastfeeding looked like, me breastfeeding Nugget is humorous. Before we stopped swaddling, it was like nursing a humongous burrito. Being that he is 7 months old, Nugget is far more distracted than when he was a newborn. Nursing necklaces are my friend and luckily keep him on the task at hand for now. There is more fighting and more wrangling and sometimes I feel like I am actually trying to feed an angry octopus.
We have started solids and have said to goodbye to that easy to deal with EBF poo. Nugget still wants to nurse, although he is losing interest in taking milk from Dufda during the day. I know there will come a point where he will wean, but hopefully that is far from now. It is a struggle because I would like to keep and maintain my same pumping schedule at work, which translates into porn star size boobs while home because Nugget doesn't eat every two and half hours anymore.
Nursing in public is a whole other ball game with a 7 month old. I have pretty much master what I need to wear to discreetly and quickly feed Nugget. This usually translates into me wearing the same shirt in different colors everyday of the week. Nipple Lash. Have you heard of it? It will happen to you. You will seek out the most quiet area and there will still be someone or something that will distract your baby causing this very unpleasant tug of your nipple. People also expect that you stop breastfeeding within this time frame so you get a lot of: "Your still doing that?" "That must hurt." "I bet he would love a cheeseburger."
Being that Nugget is older we have laid the foundation for a successful and hopefully smooth sailing breastfeeding relationship that will go until he is at least 12 months old. I know his cues now, I know how to solve a problem if it arises, I am very comfortable with my decision. If you would have asked me a 7 weeks how long I would breastfeed, I may have told you 12 months still but I would have been very unsure of that decision.
If you are debating quitting, my advice for you is don't! To commit to breastfeed for a year is such a small sacrifice in terms of the the benefits that breast milk provides. There will be times where you long to not "have" to feed him this way. You may get touched out that you are about to lose your mind. It will be difficult to do weekend trips with your girl friends. If you do go away you will be attached to a pump. Are these things inconvenient, maybe, but they are necessary so that we breastfeed in our children and in turn hopefully our children will maintain this practice and breastfeed their children.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Fluff Mail - Cotton Booty Review
Disclosure: I have received a Cotton Booty bow to facilitate my review. All opinions are 100% my own.
People cloth diaper for a ton of different reasons...I secretly think that the underlying reason is because we all have a shopping addictions and buying diapers is more sensible than buying designer purses, but not at all cheaper. Well that is unless you are cloth diapering to save money, which we all are doing, right? Before I had a baby's bum to slap a diaper on, I could not have predicted my pure obsession with the very article of clothing that I place on that bum. Is there a 12 step program for cloth diaper addicts? There has to be one and to go along with it is probably a blog of how to cloth diaper, strip diapers, diaper a newborn, and all those questions we love to answer. Well if there is such a program, Cotton Booty is the addiction feeder to those member. Cloth diapers in the mail, every month, and someone else does the shopping for you...genius.
Cotton Booty is a cloth diaper subscription service that will ship you a box filled with a cloth diaper, samples and another bonus item each month. You are able to choose the gender of the box and boxes are geared toward newborns to 3 year olds. So what did I get in my box?
The diaper is a Kawaii Goodnight Heavy Wetter. It is a one size diaper and is specifically made for heavy wetters...which Nugget is! We also got a Angel Dear Muslin Swaddle. Although I know it can be used for other things, we have really grown out of the swaddle blankets. It is really cute though. The last item was Wash with Water baby massage cream. It smells divine and feels great on Nugget's skin.
Although I love the service, there are some improvements that I would like to see. I received a swaddle blanket for a 7 month old, unlike my other subscription boxes that are age based, this is not. I think it would be much more beneficial if it was at least a smaller age range than newborn to 3 years old. I think I would also prefer to maybe spend more each month and get at least one more item. Either way, it is great service for someone who is starting out and wants to build their stash or if you want to add variety to your stash without doing the research.
Check Cotton Booty out on Facebook to see all the boxes they send out!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Way to close to 1 for my liking!
Nugget Weighs: About 20lbs
Nugget is wearing: 12 month clothes and we started to buy 18 month. Stop growing!
Nugget's First's this month:
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Nugget's First trip to Canada |
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Starting to stand while holding |
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First time coming to work with Mommy |
Nugget is starting to get more mobile. He is also starting to realize when I leave, making it more heartbreaking to go to work everyday. Dufda and I are not looking forward to him becoming mobile but I am sure next month he will start.
Tell me about your little one!
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