Disclosure: I am a Nuby Mom Blogger. I receive Nuby product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Nugget has two teeth on the bottom so far. This past weekend we noticed a definite change in his demeanor and knew his top two are about to pop through. He wouldn't sleep, he was very cranky and since we have been through this with the bottom, I was able to know exactly what was going on. The Chewbies Teether by Nuby is made for front teeth teething so this is perfect teether for this time frame. Say that last sentence ten times fast.
This little teether packs the punch with three different surfaces to chew on: either "handle" and the flower part around. It is very light weight and flexible making it perfect for the 3 month and older crowd. Nuby even includes a great little carrying case as well so you can store your Chewbies while on the go. Dr. Grace Yum - founder of Yummy Dental and Orthodontics for Kids in chicago, Illinois endorses this BPA Free teether. We love it here as well!
Want to pick up your own Chewbies? They are sold at your local Walmart.
Those look awesome! Kinda similar to the razzberry teethers, but with more different surfaces to chew.