Thursday, July 25, 2013

You know you are obsessed with cloth diapers when...

15.  You know what a AIO, AI2, Hybrid, Fitted, Prefold and Pocket are, and you have a preference.

14.  Your husband knows what an AIO, AI2, Hybrid, Fitted, Prefold and Pocket are and has his own preference.

13.  You have become a cloth diaper pusher....someone mentions they have a leak or use disposables and you immediately have a response on how to fix their "problem"

12.  You have bought a manly print diaper "for your husband" but he probably doesn't even know you have it.

11.  You are very familiar with B/S/T and don't find it weird at all to use used cloth diapers.

10.  You hunt down all colors of your favorite diaper to make them look nice when you put them away.

9. When other are excited about a sunny day for outdoor activities, you are excited to sun your diapers...and to hang them on the line outside to show them off.

8.  You tell everyone about the "savings" from cloth, but would never disclose what you have actually spent on your stash

7.  You have multiple pictures of your perfectly folded cloth diapers on your phone because you are just so proud of them.

6. Your baby's clothes are in a pile, but the diapers are perfectly put away.

5.  Your baby owns mostly T-Shirts because you want to show off their cute dipes, but you tell everyone that he just grows out of the onesies to quickly.

4. Laundry has become theraputic because you love to organize your diapers... or maybe that is  You know you have OCD when...

3. The thought of potty training really upsets you, but you don't hesitate to tell everyone that cloth will help you baby potty train sooner, be it true or not.

2. Your nightly reads include The Cloth Diaper Swap, Goodmama Fan Chatter, and various B/S/T groups.

1.  You have left the Cloth Diaper Swap on Facebook multiple times because it is such a time and money suck, only to return shortly after.

Add your own in the comments!


  1. When your diapers come out of the wash, you stack them in rainbow colors.

  2. I don't cloth diaper but my sister does and she buys shirts for her little ones specifically to match her cloth diapers :)

  3. Hi There,,
    Im an adult baby and i wear and love cloth diapers,thats all i have,and plastic pants in adult size,nothing wrong with it,been diapered most p f my life,and dont evet want to give it up
    Cloth diapers are best
