Thursday, December 26, 2013

Be #CartonSmart this Holiday Season

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carton Smart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

carton smart

Cookies! They are staple during the holidays. Growing up, my mother always made the best Christmas cookies...all different kinds...and everyone always wanted to take them home. Her cream die for. Well, I may be my mother's daughter but I do not possess one ounce of her baking skill. When I need something baked, I send her the recipe and hope to pick it up the next day. Well with this being my first Christmas with Nugget, I wanted to bake. So what does any self-respecting new mom do? Well, I went grocery shopping in baker's paradise which is my mom's house. I got all the staples that we do not keep stocked in my home. In addition to the staples, I decided I was going to make cookies with a twist and add Pacific Foods Cranberry Sauce to my recipe.

 Pacific Food packs their ingredients in Tetra Pak cartons. These cartons are made with 70% less paper and use 1/3 of the packaging compared to cans. They are easy to store and will keep all of your ingredients organized. The packaging process allows for the ingredients to stay fresh without any additional preservatives. The cartons are also re-closable so you can use whatever you need and store the rest for later. Along with all these benefits of choosing a carton over traditional packaging, Tetra Paks are 100% recyclable.

So back to cooking? Today we are going to make a cranberry bars with a twist to help out the breastfeeding mothers. Here is your list of ingredients:

  • 1 and ½ cups of oats
  • ½ cup of flour 
  • ¾ cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter 
  • 1 carton of Pacific Foods Cranberry Sauce
  • 1 tbs Brewers Yeast
  • 1 tbs Flax Seed Meal


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine together oats, flour, sugar, brewer’s yeast and flax seed meal. Cut in the butter until the mixture is crumbly. Take half of mixture and distribute among a muffin tin. Plop a spoon full of Pacific Foods Cranberry Sauce on each. Top off with the remainder of the crumbly mixture. Bake for 45 minutes.

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This super simple recipe gives you a healthy, lactation friendly snack.  The recipe works fine without the brewer's yeast and Flax Seed Meal as well. I encourage you to be carton smart and substitute out traditional packaging with recyclable cartons. Find out about all ingredients available in Tetra Paks by visiting Become Carton SmartFollow #CartonSmart on Pinterest and Tweet @CartonSmart to get smart recipes that use their ingredients as well as entertaining tips for your holiday party.

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How can you be #CartonSmart this holiday season?


Visit Sponsor's Site

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snap and Go: Buttons Diapers

Disclosure: I have received this product in exchange for me honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own.

I feel like I have tried almost every cloth diaper there is because of my obsession with cloth.  Recently I was able to try a truly unique system that makes cloth easy and affordable.  Being a cloth mama, I am constantly asked about what diaper I recommend and how many diapers you need along with a bunch of other questions.  This is very hard to answer since every baby and family is different.  Buttons Diapers offers a simple solution that I think will work for many families and make cloth diapering a little less intimidating.

Snap and Go.  Really that is how simple this diaper is.  The cover is an amazing quality that I haven't seen among other brands.  It has the snap down rise to fit most babies.  Once you have sized the diaper to your little one, you snap in the insert (they have daytime and nighttime sized inserts) and put on the diaper just like a disposable.  When your baby needs their diaper changed, simply snap out the insert, wipe down the cover and replace with a clean insert. Switch out the cover once it is soiled.

With such a simple system, how many diapers will you need?  One of the biggest factors on this is how often you are willing to wash your diapers.  I like to wash every other day, so you will need enough to get your through that time frame.  This will most likely come out to 8-10 covers, 18-24 daytime insert/size, and 2-3 night time inserts.  This would make diapering your little one from birth to potty training for about $240!

Buttons Diapers really will make cloth diapering easier.  Their inserts are super absorbent and the covers are bullet proof when it comes to leaks.  I love the double gusset and always search for it when buying diapers...specially for that fun EBF newborn poo.  I feel like this system holds up to the ease that they advertise.  The cover is much more wipeable than most that I have used making it actually reusable from change to change.  The snap-in system makes for a much more trim fit over prefolds and covers.  To top off an excellent diaper, all Buttons Diapers have an adorable little embroidered button on the bum!

Buttons Diapers are worth checking out.  You can buy them through their website.  "Like" them on Facebook to stay up to date with deals, giveaways and what other moms are saying about these great dipes.

Introducing #ThePickleLadies: Miss Jenny's Pickles

Disclosure: I have received this product in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are 100% my own. Typically I love to get really great pictures of the product I am reviewing before I start to use it.  It was not possible with Miss Jenny's Pickles because they were so good that they disappeared before I could photograph them.

I am sure most of you are scrambling around getting ready for your Holiday feast.  Entrees, Appetizers and if you are at my parents house, lots of relish trays.  This seems to be a staple every time my family gathers.  In fact we wait for it.  These trays hold us over until the food is done. But who wants just a regular relish tray?  I have something that you can add to your relish tray this year to make it a little more exciting.  Miss Jenny's Pickles aren't your regular pickle.  The people who make them are special.  The flavors are special.  The pickles are special.

Miss Jenny's Pickles are made the same way that Jenny's, one of the founders, grandmother made pickles.  They started with some cucumbers from a field nearby and that tried and true recipe and now they have become "The Pickle Ladies."  They are now working on making Miss Jenny's Pickles a household name.  Already in several retailers you can even order these pickles online!

Miss Jenny's Pickles come in 4 flavors: Signature Salt and Pepper, Jalapeno Salt and Pepper, Traditional Bread and Butter and Habanero Bread and Butter.  The Traditional and Signature pickles are what you may be use to when it come to flavors.  The Habanero and Jalapeno are in their own category and it's called....AWESOME.  I was worried that I wouldn't like them because I am not that into spicy food, a jar a pickles and stomachache later...Habanero bread and Butter holds a special place in my heart.

With these great Habanero pickles I am going to bring you the simplest appetizer that will leave you with everyone asking, "Where did you get that pickle from?"  Here is what you need:  Ritz crackers....Pepper Jack cheese...and Miss Jenny's Habanero Pickles.  That's it.  Three ingredients.  Cut the pepper jack up into slices or crumbles, what ever tickles your fancy.  Place a pickle on top of the cracker and finish off with some cheese.  One bite and I promise that you will be sneaking the whole plate into a closet to consume on your own...does everyone do this or just people with grabby toddlers?

To make sure you are serving the best pickles around this holiday season, check to see if Miss Jenny's Pickles are sold in a store near you.  "Like" them on Facebook and you can follow The Pickle Ladies in making Miss Jenny's a household name.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Safe Babywearing with Boba #FreedomTogether

Before I had my baby I was not well versed in safe babywearing because our media is filled with parents practicing unsafe babywearing.  We all see it: Dads with their babies strapped to them forward facing, going about their day.  I thought that was the kind of carrier that I would have to carry my baby in.  In fact, I even went out and bought one.  After a little research I found that forward facing carriers and carries was not something that I would like to subject my son too.

Boba, one of our favorite carriers, is the only company that exclusively sells baby carriers that keep the baby facing inward. Research shoes that carrying baby facing inward helps baby attach in a healthy way to parents and prevents hip dysplasia, allowing baby to stay safe and healthy, both physically and psychologically. Interested in learning more about attachment parenting? Dr. Sears is a great source.

Why is facing out not recommended:

1.  Facing forward does not support your baby's legs.  This does not allow for proper hip development.

2.  Facing forward makes it tough for the wearer to carry the baby.  Babies curve out when forward face versus hugging your body when facing inward.  This creates an awkward balance and makes the wearer arch their back while the baby is facing forward.

3. Facing forward places unnecessary pressure on the spine.  Since this position stretches the naturally convex rounded curve of the babies spine into a hollow back position it can compromise the spine.

4.  Front facing places undue pressure on the groin and may chafe the inner thighs of your baby.  I always compare forward facing to the comfort you experience in those harnesses while jumping on a trampoline at the mall.  It isn't comfortable.  Think about your little boy with all that pressure on his groin...not good.

Check out more reasons to not forward face here.

When you babywear correctly you are creating a great bond with your baby.  That time is also allowing you to be hands-free to allow you to complete tasks you may not have been able to while simply holding your child.  Boba has not only stayed true to its mission to promote safe babywearing, they have also made a carrier that fits great and has added features.  I love the additional straps on the shoulder of the Boba 3G, I have used them to attached toys and keep my purse on my shoulder.  The sliding back strap allows for me to put my baby in the carrier without help and makes it easy to adjust for comfort.  Although my baby isn't big enough to need them, Boba includes foot straps for older babies to add even more support.

Follow My Jordanian Nugget's board Safe Babywearing with Boba on Pinterest.
To learn more and connect with Boba, "Like" them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Boba.  The opinions and text are all mine.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Travelin' Toddle Gift Guide Day 10: Little Passports + #Giveaway

Disclosure: I have received this month of Little Passports in exchange for my honest review.  I am also an affiliate of Little Passports, so I will be compensated if you make a purchase through any of my links.  The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

To finish up the giveaways for the Travelin' Toddler Gift Guide I am bringing you a little virtual advtenure for your kiddo.  So I know that time on the computer is something everyone tries to limit for their kids, but Little Passports offers an interactive and educational experience.  Little Passports is a monthly subscription that gives your children a global adventure via their mailbox.  First you will choose if you want a World or USA edition.  This will determine if you travel with Sam and Sofia (your new traveling buddies) to a new country every month or to two new states each month.

We are reviewing the world package.  Your first month your Little Passports suitcase come packed full of a world map, passport, stickers, your boarding pass and access to online games.  Subsequent suitcases will have specific country souvenirs, letter, stickers, photos and activity sheets.  You will be able to fill your passport with more each information after each country you visit.

You have a couple different options when it comes to ordering Little Passports: Monthly ($13.95/month), 12 month-plan ($12.60/month) or a 6 month plan ($16.45/month).  They will renew automatically and you can cancel at anytime.  My Jordanian Nugget has also teamed with Little Passports to give away a free month for the holidays.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Travelin' Toddler Gift Guide Day 9: Peter Rabbits Organics + #Giveaway

Disclosure: I have recieved this product in exchange for me honest review.  The opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.

The first time I discovered Peter Rabbit Organics was in on of my Bluum boxes.  If you haven't checked out Bluum yet, head over to their website.  It is a great way to try new products that are delivered right to your door.  At the time, I wasn't sure if I was going to feed any purees but I didn't want this pouch to get wasted.  I gave it a go and man did Nugget love it!  I tried it too and the taste was fantastic.  The first one I ever tried was the Pea, Spinach and Apple.  I couldn't believe they were able to make this mixture taste soooo good.  I have said more than once that I need to figure out a recipe that I could create to add these in.

Peter Rabbit Organics Pouches are now a staple in my diaper bag for on-the-go feedings.  Moms can feel good about giving their kids Peter Rabbits because they are 100% organic.  The one I mentioned above contains Organic Pea, Organic Spinach, Organic Apples and Organic Lemon Juice...that's it.  No chemicals and nothing artificial.  Top it off with a no-choke lid and you are good to go.  They do not need to be refrigerated until they are open, making it easy to store them in your bag.

Peter Rabbit Organics is suitable for babies 6 month and older.  In additional to being organic, they have no added sugars or salt.  To keep your little ones with allergies safe, the pouches are made in a nut-free facility, too.  You can pick up Peter Rabbit Organics Pouch at your local Walmart or any of these stores as well as Amazon.  They will make a great stocking stuffer for the holidays!  My Jordanian Nugget has also teamed with Peter Rabbit Organics to giveaway a 10 pack of pouches to one lucky reader.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, December 2, 2013

Santa's Little Helper Giveaway Hop: Boba Air! #SantasLilHelper


Welcome to the Santa's Little Helper Giveaway Hop, hosted by Viva Veltoro and So Easy Being Green!
We all know that everyone could use a little help around the Holidays, so for this Event I've teamed up with over 50 other bloggers to be your Santa's Little Helper... giving away prizes that anyone would want to see under the tree! You might find the perfect gift for a little one on your list - or even for yourself, so hop around to all the blogs, including the GRAND PRIZE, on the linky at the bottom of this post!

Happy Holidays!

In this Hop I have one of my items from the Travelin' Toddler Gift Guide.  What better gift for your tot on-the-go than a super compact carrier.  Boba brings your the Boba Air which is probably the smallest, lightest carrier I have seen to date.  Shauna is a  stay at home mom to one beautiful little girl.  She tells us about how the Boba Air fits into here babywearing repertoire.

I love to baby wear.  And thankfully, my baby loves it too!  We get snuggle time, while I am also getting things done. It is definitely a win win. I have used many carriers, including a ring sling, mei tai, and a wrap but the Boba 3G is definitely my favorite. So I was really excited to try the Boba Air!
 Baby wearing while running errands is a must! However, there have been a few times that I used a carrier in the house and forgot to put it back in the car. Every new mother knows that getting yourself and baby out the door and to your destination, is not the easiest thing.  Arriving there and realizing you forgot your baby carrier is the worst!
That’s what makes the Boba Air great!  It folds into itself and becomes a small zippered pouch that can easily be stored in your diaper bag to always have on hand.  It is made of 100% nylon so it is super lightweight - 0.7 pounds to be exact.  No need to worry about it weighing down your diaper bag!
The Boba Air goes on just like the Boba 3G and can be worn on your front or back. I have only worn it on my front so far, as my daughter is still too small to be worn on my back.
When I first saw the Boba Air, one thing that concerned me was its lack of cushioning.  I was afraid it wouldn not be very comfortable.  This turned out to be a non-issue.  Once I got it on and adjusted, both my little one and I were very comfortable.  It does take a little adjusting of the straps, tightening or loosening them, to get the proper fit.  I have used the Boba Air for 2+ hour trips to the mall with no complaints.
My baby is currently 15 lbs.  As she grows, I may not be wearing the Boba Air for extended periods of time (but who knows?!).  I do think it will still be a great carrier to have on hand for quick trips to the grocery store or Target.  I also think it will be great in the summer because it is thin and lightweight and will help keep us both cool.  Since it is nylon, it can get wet and will dry quickly making it the perfect carrier to bring to the beach or the pool. 

Because of its convenience, compact size, and ease of use, I now use the Boba Air more than any other carrier.  I’m so glad I have this versatile carrier in my collection!  Want to buy a Boba Air?  Head over to Boba's website or pick one up on Amazon.  You are also able to enter to win one below!


The Hosts of this Hop have put together a Grand Prize Package for a lucky little one! This Santa's Little Helper is going to deliver to one lucky reader... a $100 Gift Card to and a $100 Gift Card to to get that little one styling, a $75 Gift Card to and a $50 GC to Build-a-Bear to satisfy their Toy List, and a Crane USA Adorable Cool Mist Humidifier and Nightlight so they can sleep soundly waiting on St. Nick!

Enter the Grand Prize Here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

So Easy Being Green, Viva Veltoro, the Blogging Mamas Network, and the Santa’s Little Helper participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

More Choices, More Savings, More Gifts, Best Buy has you Covered #BBYHoliday13

Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free

Best Buy Gift Center is the authority and destination for all your technology and appliance product gifting needs this holiday.  They will get your the right gift at the right price.
The assortment is second to none:
  • Feature more than 100 products sold only at Best Buy this Holiday
  • Offer a market-leading selection of the hottest tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles and titles, wearable technology, health and fitness gear, mobile accessories and much more.
Blue Shirts and Geek Squad Agents are passionate, highly trained, knowledgeable and impartial so they can help ensure you get the perfect gifts for your family and friends…and yourself
They know price is important to us, and frankly it’s important to them too. Their Low Price Guarantee will ensure you’re getting the most competitive price possible.
The combination of and their 1,400 stores offers the ultimate showroom to touch, test, try and buy the latest technology.
Technology is evolving quickly and becoming increasingly complex- Best Buy is here to help make it easy for your to choose the products and services that work best for you.
  • Phones: At Best Buy you can see and try all of the phones, carriers, plans and accessories under one roof with industry-leading trade-in options
  • Tablets: Best Buy is the only place in America where customers can see all of the latest and greatest tablets. 
  • Computing: Best Buy features the best selection, advise, services and support in computing. They help set the market by working with the industry's tech leaders to develop a highly specialized and innovative assortment of laptops, many of which are only available at Best Buy.
  • Mobile Accessories: Best Buy has one of the largest selections of accessories and wearables this holiday. Bluetooth speakers, smartwatches, health & fitness gear and headphones will truly rule holiday. 
  • Home Theater: Best Buy offers the world's newest technology, best assortment and service in home theater.
  • Appliances: Best Buy is better positioned than ever to bring the latest small appliances and special deals to you.
  • Gaming: Best Buy is THE destination for gaming this holiday. Not only dodo they have the latest Xbox and PlayStation consoles, but the hottest game releases and everything else you need for a great gaming experience.
  • Music/Movies/Musical Instruments: Best Buy offers terrific deals on the best entertainment stocking stuffers. Check out their coupon for 10% off headphones and portable speakers.
  • Digital Imaging: Best Buy features the newest selection of cameras, accessories and advise so you can find the perfect gift or capture your own holiday memories.
  • Tech Services: Best Buy is home of the Geek Squad for help installing, repairing, troubleshooting, optimizing and offering all sorts of technical advice from every Best Buy store, in-home, online and by phone
Best Buy is offering your 15% off your purchase of any Health & Fitness item or Fisher Price and Mattel toys from now till January 18, 2014.

More Choices, More Savings, More Gifts, Best Buy has you covered to put the latest technology under your tree this holiday season.

Disclosure: I have been compensated with a  Best Buy gift card to write this post through the Best Buy WOLF Program.

Merry Fluffy Christmas Giveaway Now Open- $58 prize package! #FluffyXmas

MFC button_lg

Welcome to the greatly anticipated 4th annual Merry Fluffy Christmas Giveaway Event!! There are 56 blogs that are giving away cloth diapering prize packages $50+! Make sure you enter here and then hop to all the others!! There are thousands in fluffy prizes to be won! This year, there are also two HUGE Grand Prize packages, on both of the host blogs, And Then There Were 5 and Mommy’s Favorite Things! So make sure you enter to win those as well! Good luck!

For this giveaway I am bringing you a prize pack that includes two diapers that I am trying for the first time and my favorite wipe solution. Both of the diapers that I picked for this giveaway are incredibly versatile and are much different than most mainstream brands.

The Buttons Diaper system offers a snap in diaper. Their covers have a signature button on the bum that is super cute. Inside the diaper in a snap in the front and the back. The covers are one-sized and paired with your choice in size of inserts. The inserts are much more absorbent than others I have used. Once the diaper is soiled, just snap in a new insert and you are good to go. Check out Buttons Diapers now! The Prize pack includes one diaper cover and 2 day time inserts!

Rock-a-Bums diapers offer a 5-in-1 system that lets you decide what kind of diaper you would like to use. No joke, this diaper can be used as: a cover, a pocket diaper, an AIO, an AI2 or a hybrid diaper. Not only can this diaper do it all, I love it because the color scheme is a little more hard core than you typically find in the cloth diaper world. The prize pack includes a Rock-a-Bums diaper in your choice of closure and color, 2 inserts and a wet bag!

When you are cloth diapering, I find it counterproductive to use disposable wipes. Not only are you still throwing something away, cloth wipes work sooo much better. I have tried a ton of wipe sprays and landed on my favorite! Lovey's Tushi Wash is that spray for so many reasons. The smell is great. The cost is reasonable and although not that important, the bottle is easy to dispense. Lovey's is all natural and not only for the diaper area. It can be used to clean messy faces and hands as well. The prize pack will include a 4 oz bottle of Lovey's Tushi Wash!

a Rafflecopter giveaway